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True Love's Deception Page 11

  The problem was, he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to convince her. And he didn’t know if telling her about their real marriage would do the trick, either.

  THE NEXT EVENING, JULIANA slid her hand over the red silk gown as she gazed at herself in the full-length mirror. White silk weaved the gown with red as it circled her body in large scallops. The material squeezed her bosom in a tight embrace, leaving most of her shoulders and neck bare. A pearl necklace circled her throat and pearl earbobs dangled from her ears. Her hair had been styled with small ringlets.

  She grinned. Her maid had outdone herself this time. Juliana didn’t think she’d ever looked as elegant as she did tonight.

  What would Andrew think?

  The frown left her face as she stared at her reflection. Did it really matter what he thought? No matter how hard she tried to convince herself otherwise, she couldn’t stop thinking about him. She couldn’t stop from wanting to be in his arms in a passionate embrace as his lips melded with hers in a kiss that would last all night.

  Earlier he’d tried to tell her he wasn’t slaking his lust on her, and although she wanted to believe him, deep down inside she knew he was a man who wanted one thing...and he’d use her to get it. Men were all alike. They wanted power and money, and they’d do anything to get to that station in life.

  Juliana would not be Andrew’s play toy while they were here. He would not use her!

  She turned away from the mirror, grabbed her elbow-length white gloves, and walked out the door. As she pushed her hands into the gloves, she made her way to Andrew’s room. Although she really just wanted to meet him downstairs, there were still a few things she needed to tell him before he started meeting her family’s friends. When she stood in front of his door, she knocked softly. After a few seconds, she knocked again. No answer.

  Curiously, she placed her hand on the knob and turned. The door swung open. Immediately, Andrew’s manly scent of spice and leather enveloped her and she closed her eyes briefly and took in a deep breath. She stepped inside. “Andrew?”

  Walking in further, she glanced around the spacious area. He was not there. Too bad his scent was, because she could crawl in his bed, hug his pillow, and do nothing but inhale his intoxicating smell. But she wouldn’t.

  She glanced around the clean room. No clothes thrown haphazardly anywhere. Even his dressing table had been straightened...except for the letter on the edge. Curiosity won and she picked up the paper. His name had been scrawled on the outside—or the name she’d given him anyway. She turned it over and read.

  “You’re in over your head, boy. Go back home before someone gets hurt. It just might be you.”

  Sucking in a quick breath, she scanned the missive once more. Who would write this to Andrew? But more importantly, why hadn’t he shown this to her the moment he received it? Didn’t he know how important this was? If there were indeed someone out there who knew his true identity, it would mean disaster to both of them.

  For some inane reason, he didn’t deem this an important matter. Inwardly, she growled. Well, she’d find him now and discuss this matter. How could she enjoy her birthday party with this threat looming over her head?


  Chapter Nine

  Andrew adjusted the cravat at his throat as he stared at the side mirror in the ballroom. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he’d be dressing for an elaborate party where lords and ladies presided. If they only knew his true past, they would usher him out posthaste...escorted by vicious dogs, no less. Society must never know. Not even Juliana.

  But what if Maddie discovered his secret?

  Andrew let out a gush of pent-up air. Maddie was too suspicious for her own good. Not only that, she was so willing to please him. She made him nervous, and that wasn’t a good thing. He must not give her any ammunition. For now, he would play her game without encouraging her...somehow.

  He turned away from the mirror and walked toward the string quartet readying their instruments. Andrew glanced in the hallway, anxious to see Juliana again, and wondered why he even felt this way. Hadn’t she stomped on his emotions enough in the short time they had been here? Yet it was his fault. He kept throwing his heart out for her to crush. He couldn’t help it. She was his wife, and he wanted a real marriage.

  As the servants busied themselves with the last minute preparations, Andrew walked out of the ballroom. As he turned the corner, Juliana stepped in front of him. They both stopped immediately. Her eyes widened, but he pulled his gaze away from her face to sweep over her dress.

  Literally, her beauty took his breath away. He’d never seen any woman so desirable in red and white silk. Her creamy neck and shoulders beckoned him to taste, which he wanted to immediately. That wouldn’t be proper at this time, though.

  He bowed, straightened then held out his elbow. “May I escort you into the ballroom, my lovely?”

  She scowled. “Not yet, Mr. Lawrence.” Grabbing his arm, she pulled him down the hallway into a side room.

  Although she didn’t appear to be in the loving mood at the moment, he couldn’t fathom why she would want him alone unless to sneak a kiss. No. She had squashed his hopes of getting physical earlier today.

  “Pray tell, Juliana. What has you in a dither?”

  She closed the door behind her, spun around, and planted her hands on her small hips. “Why did you not tell me about the letter?”

  “What letter?”

  “You know perfectly well what letter. The one addressed to Andrew Lawrence. The one on your dressing table.”

  He cocked his head and arched his brow. “What were you doing in my room without my permission, dear wife?”

  “Quit changing the subject.” She flipped her hand through the air. “Answer my question.”

  He stepped up to her, nose-to-nose, meeting her hard glare. “I will as soon as you tell me why you were in my room.”

  She rolled her eyes. “To talk with you a moment before my party.”

  “And why did you sneak through my room when you realized I was not there?”

  “I did no such thing. I happened to notice a missive on your table with your name on it, so I picked it up and read it.” She huffed. “Is that a crime?”

  “No. Just trespassing on my privacy, when you have clearly stated I am nothing but your servant.”

  She folded her arms. “Now it’s your turn, Andrew. Why did you not tell me about that letter?”

  Taking a step back, he shrugged. “I did not want to bother you on your birthday with something so mundane.”

  “Mundane? A threat is not mundane.”

  Inwardly, he seethed. “It is,” he bit out, “when it’s your birthday party and we’re supposed to act like we’re newly married and in love.”

  “Oh!” She spun around and paced the floor. “Why do you not understand? That letter means somebody knows you. They know about our farce.”

  Casually, he leaned against the wall, folding his arms across his chest. He’d admit, he enjoyed seeing her upset. Her eyes flashed with emotion, her cheeks reddened with color, and he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and quench her anger with his kisses. Something was definitely wrong with him. Why couldn’t he get past his desire for her?

  “I beg to differ, my dear.”

  She stopped and glared. “Why?”

  “Because if they knew me, they would have referred to me as Andrew Dean.”

  She opened her mouth to say something, but the door opened. Quickly, she straightened and turned toward the intruder. Her father stood inside the doorway, his brow creased with worry.

  “Have I interrupted something?” he asked hesitantly.

  Juliana smiled and hurried over to him, hooking her hands on his arm. “Of course not, Father. Andrew and I were just discussing things.”

  Clifford grinned and stroked his daughter’s pink cheek. “Splendid, because I need to talk with the both of you before our guests arrive.”

  “What is it?” she

  He walked in and closed the door, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a packet of papers. “Your inheritance, my dear.”

  She gasped and brought her hand to her chest. “Indeed?”

  “Yes. These are the legal documents for you. All of the money I had promised is here.” He kissed her forehead. “I am very proud of you, and I am happy to hand this over tonight.”

  “Oh, Father.” She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. “Thank you so much.”

  Andrew smiled. Perhaps Juliana would be in better spirits now. Then again, she was still very upset with him.

  Clifford pulled away and cupped his daughter’s face. “Now, I think you and your husband should come along and greet our guests. Your mother and I will stay for only a few hours before we have to be on our way. We need to arrive in Calais to catch the ship going to Paris.”

  “Yes, of course.” She glanced at Andrew. “Come along, dear.”

  Obediently, Andrew nodded. As he followed behind the very beautiful woman, thinking of ways to change her mind about him. Why was she always on guard and ready to treat him like the scraps tossed out for the dogs? Couldn’t he just accept the fact that she thought of him as her servant?

  Problem was, he wanted to be more. He had the privilege of seeing her passionate side, and he wanted her to be that fiery woman all the time.

  Tonight he’d figure out a way to soften her heart.

  JULIANA HAD TO STOP this nonsense. It was utterly illogical to be attracted to the stable hand—even one that riled her temper every other minute. Perhaps she enjoyed arguing with him. Heat flared in his eyes when he gazed at her. It didn’t matter what she yelled at him for, he had always looked at her with the same yearning expression. What woman could resist that?

  Definitely not her.

  The first hour of her party Andrew stood next to her in the receiving line as she and her parents greeted the guests. Her father had promised to keep her birthday party a small affair, but it seemed he’d invited half of London. How many of these people had witnessed the scene in town between her and Andrew? How many had heard about it by now?

  Inwardly, she groaned. No wonder they had all arrived with wide, mocking grins. They probably wanted to embarrass her more.

  Andrew, on the other hand, seemed to take everything in stride. How could he look so calm when her nerves were as jittery as a bull in a glass room?

  As Juliana studied him, she realized he fit well in this type of function. He looked resplendent in dark colors. His charm endeared him to her father’s friends, which made her heart pitter-patter faster. If she didn’t know his true station in life, she would have thought he had been born and raised part of the gentry. She really couldn’t have found a better man to portray her husband. He had done a remarkable job, more than she thought possible. The only problem was...she wished she didn’t feel so attracted to him. She didn’t need to experience the fluttering sensations in her chest whenever he smiled at her. And why couldn’t she forget all the steamy kisses they shared?

  Finally, her parents said goodbye and departed. Juliana felt at ease with the way her plans were unfolding. Now, if she could only keep the truth from Maddie, everything would be perfect.

  The dancing started, and Andrew claimed her for the first dance, which was only right since he was supposed to be her husband. He danced as if he’d known how to do this all of his life. Respect for him grew as he made her proud to be in his arms.

  They didn’t talk much at first. Of course, her tongue felt swollen twice its size, and the lump of emotion in her throat kept her from saying anything. His dreamy gaze stared into hers as he moved her around the dance floor. Why did his eyes have to sparkle with desire?

  She really needed to finish the conversation they’d started before her father had interrupted them. Maybe Andrew was correct and she worried over nothing. But keeping the information from her wasn’t right either.

  “I want to thank you,” he whispered.

  “For what?” Her voice squeaked, and she wished she had better control.

  “For teaching me how to dance. I fear I would have made you into a laughing spectacle by stepping on your toes.”

  She smiled. “You dance wonderfully, Andrew.”

  He tightened his arm around her just a little more. “I think we dance perfect together. Don’t you agree?”

  His gaze turned darker, and her breathing quickened. Curse his hide, he did it again. But she must be strong and not allow him to affect her.

  “I think we dance as well together as anyone, I suppose.”

  She looked away, hoping it would break the spell he tried to put her under. Across the room, she spotted Gregg Fielding. Thankfully, he had come even though Andrew had made a spectacle out of them the day before. Apparently, Gregg was used to gossip and didn’t let it bother him. So why couldn’t she do the same?

  “I see you’re looking at Mr. Fielding,” Andrew muttered.

  She snapped her attention back to Andrew and arched her brow. “Please tell me we’re not going to discuss that again.”

  “On the contrary, I will be polite.”

  She took a deep breath and let it out. “Andrew, if you’d just let me introduce you, you’d see that Gregg is my friend and nothing more.”

  “Another time perhaps. Right now I see him as my adversary.”

  “But he’s not.”

  “Let me be the judge of that.”

  Finally, the dance ended, and Juliana breathed a sigh of relief. Andrew remained the gentleman and walked her back to her sister. She tried to smile her best in front of Maddie. She didn’t need that girl curious. Especially after she’d witnessed what happened in town yesterday.

  When another tune began, Andrew asked Maddie to dance. Maddie’s eyes lit up and she smiled wide. Juliana seethed. It was hard not to jump to conclusions since she knew her sister well. Obviously, Maddie was infatuated.

  Juliana kept her gaze on them as they strolled onto the dance floor, and she blocked out everything else around her until someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up into the smiling eyes of Gregg Fielding.

  “May I have this dance?” He bowed.

  “You certainly may.” She slipped her hand into his and he led her to the dance floor.

  Immediately, Andrew’s head snapped her way, his gaze practically shooting fire toward Gregg. She lifted her chin in challenge, and focused on the man she danced with. Two could play at that game, Andrew Dean!

  “So, Mr. Fielding...”

  “Yes, my dear Mrs. Lawrence.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You do not have to call me that. Please call me by my given name.”

  “Only if you show me the same kindness.”

  She nodded. “So, Gregg. Why do you have the sordid reputation of seducing only married women?”

  He tilted back his head and laughed. From the corner of her eyes, Andrew’s head turned her way once more.

  “What brought that on?” Gregg asked.

  She shrugged. “I have heard this rumor. I’m a married woman, and I’m dancing with you. Should I be worried?”

  “Not in the least, my dear. I only set my sights on married women when they have become bored with their husbands.”

  “And how do you know I am not?”

  He shook his head. “Because you are just recently married, and you do not have the look of someone with a wandering eye.”

  “Pray, what is that look, Gregg?”

  His fingers tightened around hers in a soft caress. “You cannot keep from watching your husband as he dances with your sister. That, my dear, is a sign you are smitten.”

  Juliana didn’t answer. She couldn’t. How could she argue the fact anyway? Gregg was correct. She was smitten. This definitely complicated her plans.

  HOW WAS ANDREW SUPPOSED to enjoy himself when his wife carried on with other men? Her flirty manner even surprised Maddie, and she commented on it several times during the evening, which didn’t help his n
erves at all.

  He drank more glasses of champagne than usual, but every time Juliana went on the dance floor with another man, his companion was the drink...and Maddie.

  Constantly, that woman hung on his arm, reminding him what her sister continued to do to him. To free himself of the nagging relative, he searched to find other women to dance with. Unfortunately, Maddie remained his ever-faithful and devoted servant. Why couldn’t Juliana be so kind?

  During one dance, Maddie could not take her eyes off him. It surprised him to see how beautiful she looked tonight—certainly different from the girlish appearance she had since he’d first met her. She wore a dress more daring than he’d ever seen on her. Bearing her shoulders, the pink silk material fit around her bosom so perfectly it squeezed her breasts, giving him an eyeful to be sure! Her hair draped in ringlets around her back and shoulders as pink ribbons weaved throughout.

  “Andrew? Have I told you how incredibly handsome you look tonight?”

  He smiled. “Thank you, Maddie. You are looking lovelier than ever. The men will be flocked around you all evening long.”

  She giggled. “Will you be my knight and fight them off for me?”

  “Fight them off? Why, my sweet Maddie? Isn’t it the fondest wish of all girls your age to have beaus swarm around them?”

  Frowning, she stepped closer. “Andrew, I am not a girl.”

  Although she did have a woman’s figure, he reminded himself that she was indeed in her sixteenth year. He nodded. “I stand corrected. You are on the verge of womanhood.”

  She smiled. “Thank you. I’ll admit I wore this for you.”

  Inwardly he groaned. “Madeline, you shouldn’t say such things. I am your brother-in-law and happily married.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I seriously doubt you are happily married. I have noticed the way my sister shamelessly flaunts herself in front of other men, and my heart breaks for you.”

  “Nonsense, Maddie. It’s Juliana’s nature to be outgoing and social. She enjoys pleasing other people.”