The Sweetest Touch Page 12
The children were now near the stream, throwing rocks into the water. Louisa knew they didn’t have any idea how much danger they’d be in if they fell into the encompassing water. As she directed the horse toward the twins, she prayed they would be safe until she got there.
* * * *
Trevor walked out of the house, down the steps to the lawn. Louisa’s high-pitched voice made him pause. When he noticed her atop his horse—the very animal Trevor had instructed to be saddled and ready for him—annoyance grew inside his chest. But then he noticed where Louisa was heading. Mrs. Jacobs’ cry of alarm pulled his attention to her as she lifted her skirt to her ankles and dashed down the hill toward...
He hitched a breath. Adam and Amanda!
Cursing, he broke into a run, calling out to the stable boy who stood with his mouth agape. “Bring me another horse. Immediately.”
By the time Trevor made it to the stables, the lad had pulled out another horse. Not caring if he rode bareback, Trevor jumped on the horse. Clutching the animal’s mane, he urged him toward the stream, his gaze fixed on the children.
Just before Louisa reached the twins, Amanda fell into the stream. Panic washed over him. The little girl couldn’t swim. Flaying her arms, she screamed. Adam cried as he backed away from the turbulent water. Trevor pushed his horse faster, praying he’d reach her in time.
Louisa flew off the horse like a long-winged bird, swooped into the water and grasped Amanda by the waist. The sobbing little girl clung to Louisa as she pulled her out of the stream onto the grassy bank, safely.
Trevor yanked the horse to a stop, but jumped off even before the animal had stilled. Trevor rushed to the shivering girl who still held tightly to Louisa’s neck.
“What in the blazes happened here?” His voice rose due to the irritation—and panic—flowing through him right now.
“Trevor, give me your coat.” Louisa’s voice came out sweetly even though worry lines still etched in her face.
Nodding, he shrugged out of his garment and handed it to her. Carefully, she wrapped little Amanda in the coat.
“There now, Amanda,” Louisa said in a reassuring tone. “You are safe.”
Louisa’s lovely green eyes silently pleaded with Trevor as she held Amanda toward him. Understanding her plea, he took the little girl in his arms. Within seconds, she cuddled against his chest, still crying.
Ever since realizing his wife had deceived him, Trevor had not wanted to give his heart to the twins. But as he listened to Amanda’s little cries, the wall of ice he’d built around his heart slowly thawed. This little darling needed his comfort—his protection—like never before. And heaven help him, he wanted to give it to her. To both of the children.
Louisa moved to Adam and lifted him in her arms. She stroked his head and cooed softly that everything would be all right. The boy snuggled against her bosom as his sobs subsided. Louisa’s gaze met Trevor’s and she smiled.
A lump formed in his throat and he could hardly swallow. He motioned her closer. She followed his instruction until he slipped his arm around her and the boy.
“All is well now,” Trevor whispered, still meeting Louisa’s tender gaze.
“Oh, good heavens.” Mrs. Jacob ran up to them, huffing and out of breath, with Mrs. Fitzwilliam trailing not far behind. “I honestly don’t know what happened, Your Grace,” the nursemaid said.
“I do.” Louisa’s expression turned firm as she aimed a harsh look at the obtuse woman. “You were not watching the twins as you should have and they wandered away.” She took a deep breath. “I shudder to think what might have happened if I had not seen Adam and Amanda so near the stream.”
Stubbornly, the heavy-set woman lifted her chin. “You are incorrect. I was watching them.”
“Apparently, not closely enough,” Trevor snapped before Louisa could rebut the nurse’s explanation. “Mrs. Jacobs, this is not the first time you have slacked in your duties—but it will be the last, I assure you. Pack your things and leave my household immediately. You are no longer in my employ.”
“Oh no, Your Grace. I assure you, Miss Louisa is mistaken—”
“Leave now, Mrs. Jacobs. I have made my decision and there is no swaying me.”
The older woman gave him a curt nod, turned and marched up the hill toward the manor. Mrs. Fitzwilliam stood, wringing her hands against her middle.
“Is there anything I can do?” she asked.
He nodded toward Mrs. Jacobs. “I would like it very much if you could help her pack so she could leave today.”
“As you wish, Your Grace.” She turned sharply and hurried after the other woman.
For the first time in a long while, Trevor was quite satisfied with his hasty decision.
“We should get the twins back to the house,” Louisa said.
He glanced at the woman still by his side and smiled. Her eyes gleamed, and he couldn’t keep his heart from melting. “Indeed we shall.”
The clatter of wheels pulled Trevor’s attention away from Louisa. His groomsman and the stable boy rode up in the curricle and stopped. The lad jumped down and collected the horses ridden by Louisa and Trevor.
Trevor grinned at his servants. “Quick thinking, Jenkins.” He glanced back at Louisa. “Please return with me back to the manor.”
Jenkins helped Louisa inside, still holding Adam, and Trevor tightened his hold on Amanda as he climbed in the vehicle.
“Your Grace,” Louisa said after the curricle had lurched into motion. “May I take care of the children until you find another nursemaid? I probably don’t have much experience—”
“That’s a perfect suggestion.” He smiled wide. “Louisa, you have shown more interest in my children and concern for their welfare than Mrs. Jacobs ever did. I think you are well suited for this position, and I would be extremely happy if you would take over immediately.”
Louisa’s face lit up as her smile widened. Excitement danced in her pretty eyes as she nodded. “Oh, thank you very much. You don’t know how happy this makes me.”
He wanted to take Louisa in his arms and hold her—and yes, even kiss her. Thankfully, his arms were full or he would have done that very thing.
Glancing down at Amanda he pulled her away just enough to lift her face toward his. “How do you like that arrangement, my little one? Would you and your brother enjoy having Miss Louisa as your playmate?”
The frightened look on Amanda’s face disappeared and a bright grin replaced it. “Yes, Papa.”
“Me, too,” Adam chimed in.
“Splendid. I know the three of you will have a pleasant time together.”
Cheering, the children clapped their hands.
Relief swept over Trevor the more he watched Louisa and the twins. Deep inside his chest, an unknown and confusing sensation grew. He didn’t want to ponder over the emotions flowing through him at this moment, but one thing was certain. Louisa’s presence had blessed his house immensely. He never wanted this pleasure to end.
Chapter Ten
“Louisa? I need to have a moment with you, in my study if you will.”
Trevor’s voice was so soft, Louisa wasn’t sure she’d heard him. But thankfully he knew to be quiet in the dimly-lit bedroom while she rocked on the chair, humming a lullaby to help the twins settle down for the night.
She met his gaze across the room. He stood by the door opened just enough for him to peek his head inside. The expression on his face wasn’t one of displeasure. Of late, she’d come to expect this. Sighing with relief, she realized she might have actually done something right for once.
Quietly, she stood and tiptoed to the door. “The children have just fallen asleep. I fear they will awake and find me gone.”
“Mrs. Smythe will sit with them just long enough for me to speak with you.”
Louisa glanced behind Trevor at the housekeeper standing not far behind him. Louisa gave Trevor a smile and walked into the hallway as Mrs. Smythe entered the bedroom, softly closing the door be
hind her.
For an awkward moment, Louisa stood in front of Trevor as their gazes locked. He shifted from one foot to the other while she scratched her arm. Finally, he turned and strode toward the stairs, occasionally glancing at her over his shoulder.
Not a word was spoken between them until they entered his study and he closed the door. “Your Grace,” she broke the silence, “I want to thank you for giving me a chance to be with the twins. They are adorable children and very well behaved.”
He grinned and walked to his desk, sitting on the edge. “I have watched you today, and I’m impressed with your remarkable ability to handle them. I don’t know why I have never paid attention to the way Mrs. Jacobs cared for them before. I thank you for making me aware of her neglect.”
Louisa took a timid step closer, as she folded her arms. Happiness grew in her chest. Had she ever heard so much praise in her past? “Was this what you had wanted to discuss with me?”
“Yes, but not fully. I want to tell you how wonderful I think you are taking care of the children.”
He’d talked this way about his children before, and it made her curious. Why did he never want to refer to them as his children? They were always just the children or he called each one by name. Very odd.
“I thank you, Your Grace.”
“I wish for you to call me Trevor when we are alone.”
His voice deepened, and her heartbeat took on a different rhythm. Her palms moistened and her throat dried. More than anything she hoped he wanted to kiss her again, yet a part of her knew he shouldn’t. After all, she knew his dinner party would start within an hour and so he mustn’t do anything to distract him. “As you wish, Trevor.”
He cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders. “I actually want to discuss a couple more things with you before my guests start arriving. First, I think you need a different wardrobe.”
Confused, she glanced down at her servant’s uniform. “Why? What’s wrong with this?” She picked at the apron.
“Louisa, my sweet, you are not a mere maid any longer. You are the children’s nurse, which means you don’t have to wear a uniform.”
“But Trevor, I have no other clothes.”
“This, I realize. So, with your permission, I would like to have a dressmaker come see you tomorrow so she can make you some frocks.”
Excitement budded inside her chest. “Indeed? Oh, Trevor… This is so unexpected. I don’t know what to say.”
He shrugged. “Thank you would suffice.”
She moved closer and grasped his hands. “Yes. I thank you so much for your generosity. I honestly don’t deserve your kindness.”
“Oh, I believe you do.” He pulled one of his hands away and caressed her cheek.
Her face burned from his compliment, and she was certain the palm of his hand would feel the heat emanating from her skin. Yet he continued to cup the side of her face, and she couldn’t resist snuggling against him. She loved staring into his warm blue eyes, yet doing this would make her want things that were impossible to have.
“Well, thank you again. I will repay you.”
He shook his head. “Staying on as the children’s nurse is payment enough. They love you, and I…I…um, I think you shall make a very capable nursemaid for them.”
Why did she have the feeling he was going to say something else? It was probably because her heart wanted him to have the same affectionate feelings that flowed through her. “I will certainly try my hardest.”
“As I know you will.” He dropped his hand and moved away.
Disappointment sat heavily in her chest. “What was the other thing you wanted to discuss?”
Trevor sat behind his oak desk and rested his steepled fingers in front of him. “Yesterday when you rescued Amanda, you had taken my horse—”
“Oh, forgive me, Your Grace. When I saw how close the twins were to the stream, I didn’t have time to think and at that moment, the stable boy was bringing out your horse.” She shrugged. “I didn’t think—just reacted.”
He held up his hand for her to quiet. “Yes, I know this. And please, my name is Trevor.” He winked. “But if you had let me finish, you would realize I was not reprimanding you for riding my horse.”
“You weren’t?”
“No. I wanted to ask you if you remember where you learned how to ride like that.”
She blinked her wide eyes. “Pardon me?”
“When you mounted my horse and took off, you rode like an accomplished rider. Did you realize this?”
He nodded. “Of course I didn’t think of that until earlier this evening, but most servants don’t know how to ride that way. And most women do not ride astride. I could tell you were a very accomplished rider.”
She chuckled and moved to the cushioned sofa near his desk and sat. “Once again, this is something I did out of reaction. I must have known how to ride in order to do it, but I fear I cannot remember.”
“I honestly believe that you came from a family of Quality.” He leaned his elbows on the desk, dropping his hands palms down. “But the question remains, why would a girl who came from such a family end up on the streets half starved, and…whipped?”
“These are questions I would love to have answered. If only the cloud covering my memory would leave. But the more I try to delve into my past, the more my head pounds with confusion.”
“Have you recalled anything yet?”
“Yes. When I saw the twins by the stream, I remembered falling into a deep pond when I was younger, and my cloak pulling me down until I was submerged in water. I couldn’t breathe. Another girl who was slightly older than I, was the one who pulled me out.”
“Interesting.” He scratched his chin. “Do you recall where you were and who the girl was?”
She shook her head. “It was a quick memory, but I remember feeling very distraught. And although I can’t see the girl clearly, I think she was a good friend and not a sibling.”
“Have you remembered anything more—before that?”
“Not since we danced.”
“Are you talking about the memory you had of burning yourself?”
“Well that—and recalling being taught to dance when I was in my tenth year.”
His eyebrows rose. “Indeed? What did you remember?”
“I was with a boy older than me and we were both being instructed on how to dance. We were in a grand ballroom, much like yours.” She frowned. “But that’s all I remember; not any more about the instructor or even the boy who was with me. Although…” She chewed on her bottom lip. “I know I wore a pretty pink frock and had bows woven through my ringlets.”
“How extraordinary.” Trevor stood, walked around the desk and sat beside her. He took her hands in his. “Slowly your memory is returning. And, the more you remember, the more I feel you were never a servant. That is the very reason you have not been able to do the duties assigned you.”
She nodded vigorously. “Those are the thoughts I have had as well. Although,” she lost her smile again— “I don’t want to get my hopes high only to discover all of this was a dream.”
“No, Louisa dear, I don’t believe this is a dream.” He squeezed her hands. “If you don’t mind, I will ask around to see if anything tragic happened in the past several years, like a family dying or a daughter being taken from her family.”
Sighing she smiled. “Thank you, Trevor.” She pushed her fingers through his hair. “The Lord certainly blessed me when He put me in your path.”
He chuckled. “Even though I nearly killed you with my curricle?”
“Yes. Being hit by you was probably the best thing that happened in my life.”
He shook his head. “Don’t say that until your memory returns. You may end up hating me after all.”
“Never. Hate is the furthest emotion from my heart right now.”
Silence stretched between them as his gaze smoldered. She sighed. His blue orbs were so captivating. His lazy smile
made her heart flip. What she wouldn’t give to have him look at her this way all the time…and for it to be right.
“What do you feel right now?” he asked softly.
She sucked in a quick breath as her heart hammered. Dare she tell him? As much as she’d like to confess her feelings, she dared not for fear he wouldn’t return them. Yet, studying his expression made her realize he might indeed feel something for her…something stronger than just an employer and his servant.
“Oh, Trevor.” She breathed heavily. “I fear that telling you what’s in my heart will be no good for I am but a servant and you, my master.”
“What if you are not a servant? What if you are an heiress or your father is titled?”
“Trevor, I don’t dare dream of such things, especially if discovering the truth will only break my heart. I cannot give my heart away and have it crumpled when my memory returns.”
Nodding, he leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “I understand completely.”
An awkward silence grew thick around them, only their ragged, mingled deep breaths were heard. His breath smelled like the wine he usually drank before his evening meal. As she breathed in his masculine scent, she wondered why he didn’t pull away from her. Did he want her to make the first move? She couldn’t. Being this close was too nice. So wonderful. She didn’t want it to end. Ever.
Finally he moved, but instead of pulling away, his arms slipped around her waist as he pulled her closer. At first she thought he just meant to hug her, but soon his lips brushed over her cheek, heading for her mouth.
Although she knew it was wrong, she wanted this. Wanted him.
Before his lips found hers, she turned her face and kissed him first. A moan tore from his throat as his arms tightened around her. He turned the kiss wild, slanting his head and opening his mouth for more. She answered back just as urgent, winding her arms around his neck. Breaths blended, tongues danced, and lips caressed as if they couldn’t get enough. She knew she couldn’t. She wanted more. So much more.