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The Missing Billionaire (The Tycoons #2) Page 13

  Seconds later, both Zack and Joe ran up to her. Zack gathered her in his strong arms, and Joe retrieved the gun from the ground.

  Finally, she breathed a relieved sigh and pressed her face against Zack’s chest. Her agent’s skills had won the day.

  “Are you all right?” he whispered before kissing her head.

  “I’m fine now that you’re here.” She glanced at Joe. “Has anyone called the police?”

  “Yes, dear.” Joe glanced at her before returning his focus to the man still rolling in pain on the ground with one hand holding his crotch, and the other hand holding his bleeding nose.

  “When I realized Wallace was the shooter,” Zack told her, “we called the police as we hurried to find you.”

  “I’m so glad you found me.” She smiled up at him. “He threated to shoot anyone who tried to help me.”

  Zack’s mouth stretched into a wide grin. “I see you haven’t forgotten your FBI skills.”

  “No, I haven’t.” She managed a smile even though her body still shook with tension. “Funny how it came to me just when I needed it.”

  “I’m glad.” He waggled his eyebrows. “It’s rather exciting to have a kick-butt girlfriend.”

  She laughed and hugged him again. “Oh, but believe me, I’d rather not have to go through that again.”

  In the distance, sirens wailed. She sighed. Any minute now Wallace would be handcuffed and taken to jail. Both Zack and Whitney would give the police their statements of attempted murder.

  But she didn’t dare breathe too easily, yet. After all, the senator’s hitman was still out there. Or was he? She doubted Wallace had shot Zack the first time two months ago when her unit had been called to take his statement. She’d not known Zack back then, so why would Wallace shoot him?

  She frowned. Apparently, she would still play the part of the FBI agent for two more weeks. However – she peeked up at the gorgeous man who still held her in his arms – those two weeks were going to be very exciting.

  KEEPING WHITNEY’S HAND in his, Zack walked out of the courthouse and down the many steps from the building. He smiled so much his cheeks hurt. He’d testified on the stand and told the jury everything he saw the senator do, and what the senator had said. Thankfully, the prosecution had more proof of the senator’s criminal actions, and the crooked politician was sentenced to life in prison.

  The last two weeks had been blissfully happy as he and Whitney remained at the ranch. They were still cautious of being spotted by someone in town who might know his true identity, but after a while, they realized they were safe.

  The flashbulbs going off all at once all around him, blinded him momentarily, and he blocked the bright lights from his eyes. It looked as if he’d be back in the tabloids again, but this time, they’d tell about his day in court... and the beautiful FBI agent who had been with him throughout the whole trial.

  Grumbling, he turned away from the paparazzi, and with Whitney’s hand still in his, he rushed for his brand-new red Ferrari. He opened the passenger side door for Whitney, and once she was inside, he ran to the driver’s side and climbed in. Two seconds later, he had the car started and raced away from the cameras and the onlookers.

  “Oh, they are so annoying,” Whitney said.

  “Yes, they are.” He glanced at her before looking back toward the road. “Are you going to be able to get used to that kind of life?”

  “Why do I have to get used to it?”

  “Don’t you want to be with me?”

  “Well, of course, I do.”

  “Then that’s one of the things you’ll have to tolerate.” He shrugged. “If I had it my way, I’d hide from them forever. It was rather nice being the missing billionaire for a few months.”

  She scooted in her seat until she faced him. Her hand moved to his leg and rested on his thigh. He absolutely loved her tender touch.

  “Zack? Didn’t you tell me that Joe offered to sell you the ranch?”

  “Yes.” He glanced at her and back to the road. “Why?”

  “You’d told him that you wanted to buy it. Were you serious?”

  Zack glanced around the street, searching for a place to pull the car over so that he could have a serious conversation with her. He noticed the underground parking, and without a second thought, drove inside.

  Memories flooded his mind of when he and Whitney were at the airport. He grinned and went to park in the empty spot near the wall.

  She grasped his arm. “What are you doing?” Her voice lifted in humor. “Don’t you know we’ll be trapped if we park there?”

  He laughed and moved to a more open parking place, stopped, and killed the engine. He turned and took her soft hands in his. “I’m glad you remembered.”

  “Oh, I’ll never forget those days.”

  He leaned over and kissed her briefly on the mouth before withdrawing. He stared into her beautiful hazel eyes that looked more green now. “Yes, I want to buy the ranch, but only on one condition.”

  Sighing, she titled her head. “Conditions again?”

  “Yes, but you’ll like this one.”

  “Okay, what is it?”

  “I want you to be my wife.” He reached into the pocket of his blue Armani suit jacket and withdrew a little black velvet jewelry box that he’d been carrying for a few days now.

  She gasped, and her eyes widened.

  He opened the box, showing her the enormous heart-shaped diamond ring with a white-gold band. “I want to share my life with you, Whitney. I know how much you love being on the ranch, and I love being there with you.” He caressed her cheeks that were now wet from the tears sliding down her face. “I was hoping you loved me enough to want to become rancher’s wife.”

  Her smile grew as she nodded. “There’s nothing I’d like better.”

  He took her hand and slipped the ring on her finger. “It looks good on you.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and stared into his eyes. “You look good on me.”

  He waggled his eyebrows. “I do? Why don’t you show me what you mean.”

  Shaking her head, she rolled her eyes. “What I mean is that you have made me so happy, and because of that, people have noticed the change in me.”

  He nodded. “I’m glad, but...” He leaned closer. “I still want to see that first suggestion.”

  She laughed and captured his mouth with hers. This car wasn’t the place to make-out, but for now, he’d make it as comfortable as possible.

  Zack didn’t care how much money it took, but he was going to give his soon-to-be wife the best life she’d ever had. Then again, they were both comfortable in their jeans and flannel shirts at the ranch. Perhaps they didn’t need his billions after all.

  There was definitely no dollar amount on love. Because with Whitney, it was priceless.


  READ BOOK #1 – The Billionaire’s Pursuit

  When Nicole Adkins tumbles into billionaire Mick Remington’s lap and looks into his smoldering eyes, she all but stops breathing. He looks like the sexy model on the front of a romance novel cover. Unfortunately, she’s heard about his brazen reputation with women and she’s not about to let herself be taken in.

  Nicole’s grandfather is nearing his last days on earth, and his poor health has taken its toll on the family business – her inheritance. But when Mick Remington shows up in town, she fears the worst. He’s here to take control of her grandfather’s business. The company is ripe for a takeover, and Nicole isn’t about to let that happen no matter how sweet and charming Mick pretends to be.

  Mick claims to want to help, but with her entire future on the line, Nicole doesn’t know whom to trust. As she spends more time with Mick, she begins to fear her heart may be as at risk as her company.

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  READ BOOK #3 – The Irresistible Billionaire

  Can she look past the billionaire’s good looks and charm
to find the stability she’s craved for so long?

  Orphaned at a young age, Breanna Loveland wants to find a man who she can trust to never leave her. Her boyfriend has been with her for five years, which gives her the security she needs. But when she meets Brad Montgomery – the man her co-workers have labeled the sexiest man alive – Breanna feels things that her boyfriend has yet to make her experience. Brad offers excitement and toe-curling kisses. Her boyfriend offers the normal life she wants.

  But she’s afraid that loving the irresistible Brad Montgomery will damage her heart permanently.

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  And more to come...

  #4 – Loving the Billionaire (3/27/2019)

  #5 – The Billionaire’s Secret (4/1/2019)

  #6 – Trusting the Billionaire (5/17/2019)

  #7 – Kissing the Billionaire (6/23/2019)

  SPECIAL OFFER – If you join my newsletter, you will get three FREE books to start your reading collection.

  Author’s Bio

  Marie Higgins is a best-selling author of Christian and sweet romance novels; from refined bad-boy heroes who make your heart melt to the feisty heroines who somehow manage to love them regardless of their faults. She has over 50 heartwarming on-the-edge-of-your-seat stories, and broadened her readership by writing mystery/suspense, humor, time-travel, paranormal, along with her love for historical romances. Her readers have dubbed her "Queen of Tease", because of all her twists and unexpected endings.

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