True Love's Deception Read online

Page 13

  Circling her arms around his neck, she pressed herself against him, participating in the kiss. Nice, but not exciting. She broke the kiss and pulled away from him. “There. Now let’s go back.”

  “I don’t think so, dear Maddie.”

  Growling, he pulled her into his arms again. This time when he kissed her, his lips pressed harder against hers.

  For the second time, she broke the kiss. “Lord Edward. I think you have received the wrong impression this evening. I didn’t want to come out here and do this with you.” Only Andrew.

  He gazed down at her, shaking his head. “Maddie, you cannot dress the way you have tonight and act like a harlot without being treated like one.”

  His arms tightened around her as he captured her mouth once again. Fear surged through her, and the more she struggled to get out of his grasp, the more punishing his kiss became. She whimpered, which only seemed to ignite fuel inside him. She slapped at his wandering hands, but it didn’t faze him. In one fast sweep, he laid her on the ground. It seemed his mouth and hands couldn’t keep in one place for a second.

  “Edward, stop.”

  “I don’t think so, my lovely. You are too desirable. I want to see all of you.”

  “No!” Once again, she tried pushing his hands away and moving him off her, but his strength was overpowering.

  When the material of her bodice gave way in one loud rip, she screamed and slapped his face. “Get off me!”

  Growling, he pinned her body to the ground with his and silenced her with his mouth. Madeline whimpered as tears streaked her face. She couldn’t let him defile her in the worst way—right here in her own yard. But she feared she didn’t have any other choice.

  Andrew, please come now! Would he not rescue her when she desperately needed him?

  All hope was lost. A sob escaped her throat, and she prayed once again for someone to save her from this evil attacker.

  Suddenly, Edward’s body was pulled off her as he fell to her side. She blinked with wet, wide eyes at her knight. Although she didn’t recognize him at first because of her tears, relief of gratitude flowed through her.

  “Lord Edward Carlston. You should be ashamed of yourself.” Her rescuer bent over struck Edward across the face who still sat on the ground. “The woman was struggling underneath you. Could you not tell she wanted you to stop? Were you going to rape the poor girl?”

  Madeline hiccupped a sob and brought her fist to her mouth. His voice didn’t sound like Andrew’s. So...who was this man?

  Edward scowled at the other man. “You had no right to interrupt us.”

  “I do when you are taking advantage of a defenseless young girl.”

  Edward glanced at Madeline then looked back at her rescuer. “Look at her, man. A young girl cannot act wanton without any decent gentleman thinking improper things. She wants to be deflowered badly, and I was going to be the fortunate chap.”

  She huffed, leaned next to her and slapped Edward’s face. “How dare you—”

  Edward grabbed her hand. His tight grip made her whimper. The other man yanked Edward up by the lapels of his jacket until he was standing.

  “Do not touch the girl,” the stranger commanded.

  “Just go away, Edward,” she cried. “Leave me alone.”

  Edward cussed a few choice words before pulling himself free from the man’s grasp. Edward brushed off his trousers and jacket then straightened his cravat. He glared at the stranger.

  “Fine. You can have her. She’s probably used goods anyway.”

  He turned and marched around the bushes and out of her teary-eyed vision. The strain of the past few minutes shook through her body. She covered her face with her hands and sobbed. Where had Andrew been and why hadn’t he come for her? But she had been rescued, thank God.

  Fabric rustled in the still of the night mere seconds before the stranger’s warmth was beside her. She dropped her hands from her eyes just as he removed his over-jacket, placing it across her shoulders. A heavenly scent of man’s musk enveloped her and she closed her eyes and breathed in his pleasant smell.

  “You are going to be all right now. I will not allow him to hurt you again,” he said with much softness in his voice.

  Madeline’s body shook, and when the man placed his arms around her in comfort, it eased her worries. She’d been a fool to trust Edward. What had she been thinking letting him lead her out here in the first place? Just by the slim chance Andrew would see her and come after her?

  Wiping her wet eyes, she lifted her head and looked at the man beside her. Because of the shadows, she still couldn’t recognize him.

  “Thank you for helping me.” She laid her head on his shoulder. “I do not even want to think of what he would have done if you had not stopped him.” She sniffed and tilted her head toward his face. “I hope you do not mind me asking, but...who are you? Have we met before?”

  “I’m certain you know me, but I fear we have not been properly introduced.” He smiled. “I’m Gregg Fielding, a friend of your sister’s.”

  She stilled her breathing. Gregg Fielding? The same scoundrel her sister had been with at the Tea Shoppe? “Yes, I have heard of you. Your older brother is Nicholas Fielding, the Duke of Ashton, correct?”


  Tears filled her eyes again. “Then you are indeed a very sweet man. I don’t know how to repay you for your kindness.” She buried her face against his chest and let the sobs she’d been holding back come freely.

  Gregg’s arms tightened around her as he slowly rocked her. “All will be well now. I promise not to let anyone harm you.”

  He surprised Madeline. How could she have known how endearing he was? The only thing she’d heard about him was that he seduced married women. Well, she certainly didn’t fit into this mold, so she was quite safe with him.

  She frowned. Too bad this wasn’t Andrew. Then again... Her spirits lifted. Perhaps she could convince Gregg to help her with her situation. After all, Lord Gregg acted as if he wanted Juliana, and Madeline wanted Andrew. Maybe she and Gregg could come to some kind of understanding and scheme to get what they both wanted so desperately.

  It was certainly worth a try.

  Chapter Eleven

  It took less than an hour to clear the house of Juliana’s party guests. Once they noticed the food had disappeared, the guests slowly left. Her parents probably would have a fit when they found out the party ended much too early in the evening, but Juliana would deal with that later.

  Now she wanted to deal with the most pleasurable way she could.

  The many glasses of champagne she’d consumed convinced her to give herself to Andrew tonight. Instead, it was the man himself who had accomplished such a feat. If he hadn’t been so sweet, so charming, and so tender with her, she wouldn’t have these insane notions in her head. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized she would never marry, and so this might be the only time she could be intimate with a man. And what better way than now while they were pretending to be married?

  Jealousy had eaten a hole in her heart when she watched him dance with the other women, and she realized she didn’t like to share. The only way to make him hers for real was to act as if she were indeed his wife.

  This wasn’t a bad birthday gift either.

  After she dismissed the servants, Andrew took her hand in his as they walked up the grand staircase. She couldn’t stop from gazing into his dreamy eyes. He acted as if he couldn’t stop staring, too.

  She smiled. “The party was a success, I believe.”

  He nodded. “So was their departure.”

  She laughed and fell against him. His arm wound around her shoulders as he pulled her close. She slipped her arms around his waist as they finished walking toward his bedroom.

  “I think everyone enjoyed themselves, don’t you?” she asked.

  “To be sure. Until the food was taken away, that is.”

  “Such a shame.”

  “For whom?�

  She looked up into his laughing eyes and grinned. “Certainly not for us.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Well, I can guarantee you we will not be disturbed from here on out, Mrs. Lawrence.”

  Her heart hammered. “I hope you are right, Mr. Lawrence.” She enjoyed pretending they were really married because the guilt didn’t try to sneak into her conscience.

  Yet something did sneak in—uninvited, no less. Where had her sister been for the past few hours? “Andrew? Have you seen Maddie?”

  He paused before opening the door to his bedroom. “No, and I don’t want to see her until tomorrow morning—or even as early as the afternoon.” He winked.

  She laughed. “You are just terrible. Do you know that?”

  Gathering her against him, he buried his face in her neck. Tingles spread over her skin, warming her.

  “I just enjoy my privacy when a passionate woman is by my side. What is so terrible about that?”

  She kissed the side of his face then pulled back enough to look into his eyes. “The only thing terrible right now is that you’re talking too much.”

  He grinned. “I can remedy that, my dove.”

  As soon as he opened the door, he lifted her and carried her into his room, kicking the door closed with his boot. When he reached the bed, he slowly laid her down. Before joining her, he yanked off his coat, waistcoat and cravat, dropping them to the floor. When he crawled on the bed, he snuggled beside her on his side. He drew the pad of his finger over her nose and mouth, grinning.

  “I have never seen a lovelier woman than my wife,” he whispered reverently.

  Foreign emotions gripped her heart and melted her all over again. Sighing, she fell into him and captured his lips with her own. She kissed him gently at first, but as the feeling inside her chest began to grow, urgency took over. He participated fully, holding her tight, as his mouth met hers.

  She slid her hands down his arms and between them as she caressed his muscular chest—the same chest she’d admired so boldly when she first spied him at the watering hole. It was hard to believe this was real. That he was real. That she had actually found a man who was too tender with her, and quickly forgives her temper outbursts...yet at the same time, did not cower before her like all the other bumpkins in Scotland had done. Andrew was so different. Heaven help her, at this moment, she didn’t want to think of losing him. She wanted him by her side forever.

  “Oh, Juliana,” he muttered as his lips trailed from her mouth heading down her throat.

  Smiling, she tilted her head back and sighed.

  “Juliana, I cannot believe this is happening.”

  “Me, either,” she whispered.

  Excitement rushed through her, making her heart knock so hard against her ribs, she thought the walls would shake as well.

  “Juliana,” he mumbled against her skin, “I really need to tell you something before we go on.”

  “No you don’t.” Whatever it was could wait. She wanted to get more intimate with him. Now!

  Before she could urge him to do more, his body stilled. “Juliana?”

  She raised her head to look at him. “What?”

  He glanced toward the door. “I think someone is at the door.”


  They both remained quiet, although their heavy breaths overrode anything. Except behind the door came a small sound, almost like...sobbing.

  “Maddie,” Juliana whispered as she pushed off the bed. She hurried to the door and opened it. Madeline sat on the floor with her face in her hands. Her hair had been messed, and pieces of grass sprinkled between the ribbons. The new gown purchased for Maddie was ripped at the bodice, displaying more bosom than necessary.

  When Maddie looked up at Juliana, tears streaked down her dirt-smeared face.

  “Oh, good Lord! Maddie, what happened to you?” Juliana shrieked.

  Andrew bounded from the bed and hurried to Juliana’s side. Maddie sobbed and reached for Andrew. He bent, lifted her in his arms and carried her to his bed.

  “Maddie, what happened?” Juliana demanded again, trailing after them.

  Madeline sniffed and wiped her wet, swollen eyes. “I—I—I was—violated in the worst way,” she ended with another sob that brought an onslaught tears.

  Pain shot through Juliana’s chest like a stab wound. She rushed to her sister and pulled her in her arms. Andrew jerked to a standing position and cursed.

  “Who did this to you?” he asked in a raised voice. “I’ll call him out immediately.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “On second thought, I’ll go find the man and kill him with my bare hands.”

  Panic coursed through Juliana. “No, Andrew. Before you do anything, let’s hear what happened.” She stroked her sister’s tangled hair. “Maddie honey, can you tell us what happened?”

  Madeline wiped her eyes again, then ran her finger under her nose. “Lord Edward Carlston had been showing extra attention to me tonight, and I let him take me outside for a stroll in the gardens.” She sniffed again. “Then when we were far enough away from the house, he attacked me.”

  “I knew something was wrong with that man. As God is my witness, I’ll kill him.” Andrew knocked his hand against the wall.

  “Andrew, wait.” Maddie put her hand up to stop him. “Lord Edward tried to rape me, but he was stopped by Gregg Fielding. He made Lord Edward leave.”

  Juliana smiled and patted her sister’s cheek. “Gregg is such a kind man.”

  Andrew threw a bewildered look at Juliana. She scowled and focused on her sister. “Then what happened?”

  “Gregg comforted me and stayed with me until I could stop shaking. We talked for a long time, then...then...”

  “Then what?” Andrew urged.

  “Then he seduced me, and when I wouldn’t give in, he...raped me.”

  “What?” Juliana jumped off the bed and planted her hands on her hips in a defiant stance. She glared accusingly at her sister. “Gregg Fielding raped you? I think not.”

  Andrew cussed. “That Fielding man cannot seem to keep his hands off the Beaumont sisters, can he?” He raised a quizzical brow at Juliana. “And all this time you thought he was kind.”

  Juliana gasped. “He is.”

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I didn’t think kind men went around town violating innocent girls.”

  She folded her arms. “Gregg Fielding could not have raped Maddie.”

  “But Juliana...he did.” Madeline sniffed.

  Juliana shook her head. “Gregg couldn’t have. He would have stopped if you told him—”

  “Juliana, will you stop scolding your sister? Can you not see she has been through enough turmoil this evening?”

  “Of course I can tell she’s been through a lot, but there’s no way Gregg could have done something so despicable.”

  Andrew cocked his head. “Are you calling Madeline a liar?”

  Juliana cringed. Andrew didn’t know what kind of schemer her sister had been in their younger years. Although Maddie had changed in outward appearance, Juliana seriously doubted she had changed on the inside.

  Andrew waved his hand. “We’ll discuss this later. Juliana, take your sister to her room. She obviously needs some tender loving care.”

  With a heavy heart, Juliana helped her sister off the bed and grudgingly took her to her room. The truth would be discovered one way or another. Juliana was determined to see it through. Still, it crushed her to think Andrew would side with Madeline only moments after they were in a passionate embrace. Perhaps Juliana should not give herself to Andrew after all.

  THE BRIGHT MORNING light had Andrew squinting as he stared up at the magnificent manor looming before him. He’d risen early this morning only because he could not put off this errand. Justice would be served if he had his way!

  As he entered the gates to the Duke of Ashton’s estate, Andrew awed over the grandeur. Carved gray stone highlighted the two-story mansion. On the second landing, a white balcony wra
pped around the house, giving the place a friendly appeal.

  Unfortunately today wasn’t the day for any sort of ‘friendly’ appeal. Andrew had come with one purpose in mind, and he would not leave until the matter was settled. He would show that cocky Mr. Gregg Fielding he could not toy with women’s hearts and violate them and get away with it.

  When the coach stopped and Andrew hopped down, he marched up the front steps to the door and banged with his fist. Minutes later, the door opened by a surly butler, obviously angered by the loud intrusion. Andrew hadn’t announced himself with a card first, but nonetheless, he would get to see the duke even if he had to search through the house himself to do it.

  “Forgive me for coming at such an early hour,” Andrew began as polite as he could under the stressed circumstances, “but it’s most important I speak with the Duke of Ashton posthaste.”

  The butler lifted his chin in defiance as his gaze combed over Andrew. “It is ill-mannered to expect an audience this early in the morning, sir.”

  Andrew shrugged. “I am aware of that, but it’s very important I speak with the duke. His brother, Gregg, has ruined my sister-in-law, and I’ve come to make things right. And if you do not let me in immediately, I shall find the duke myself with or without your permission.”

  The older man blinked with wide eyes. With a nod, he opened the door and allowed Andrew to enter. “You will wait in the parlor while I go inform His Grace of your request.”

  While Andrew paced the Persian carpets in the parlor waiting, he replayed in his mind the events that happened last night. Strange how quickly the mood had been ruined. He’d been enjoying his privacy with Juliana, and couldn’t wait to make her his wife in all sense of the word. Yet Maddie had inadvertently ruined it.

  It angered him first to think the wonderful, glorious moment had been ruined, but then once Juliana started defending Gregg, that angered Andrew even more. It also made his heart ache with jealousy. Was there something more between Juliana and Gregg even though she’d assured him otherwise?

  He hoped not. His heart had been so full of emotion last night, he could have told Juliana he loved her. He almost did, in fact. But would it have been a lie? He desired her beyond any woman he’d ever met. Love was a strong word...a committed word. Was he ready to say it?


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