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Too Many Secrets Page 2
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Page 2
As she neared him, her steps became slower. “I have it,” she whispered as she walked past him and to the vehicle.
“May I help you, Miss?” Gordon asked in a louder voice, staying in his role as the driver.
“I think I dropped my wrist fan.” She opened the door and peered inside.
He stopped behind her. “Nobody is watching,” he whispered.
Quickly, she took out the journal and slipped it under one of the blankets. Before pulling out of the vehicle, she withdrew her fan. “Oh, I found it,” she said loudly, just in case someone happened to overhear.
He grinned and nodded. “You’re getting better at helping me. Soon, we’ll be able to tell Father that you’ve been trained to be a spy.” His voice was very low.
She snorted unladylike and rolled her eyes. “Knowing Father, he’ll tell me to find a man and get married just like most women should.”
Gordon shrugged. “Maybe one day.”
“Don’t count on it.” She squared her shoulders and cleared her throat, speaking louder, “I must go back to the party now.”
Feeling very victorious, she walked toward the grand manor. A gust of wind tugged a lock of her hair loose, making it fall across her forehead. She grumbled aloud and hurried toward the house. As she walked inside the ballroom, she was surprised to see how many more people had arrived since she’d gone outside. On tiptoes, she searched the crowd for her cousin. When she spotted Emily, she smiled and zigzagged in between couples to reach her destination.
Cousin Emily was two years older than Nicole and married to a wonderful man. Whenever Nicole’s father was out of the state on business, she spent a lot of time with Emily. Thankfully, her cousin didn’t know there were secret agents in the family.
Emily’s wide-eyed gaze locked with Nicole’s and she hurried toward her, grasping Nicole’s hands.
“I can’t believe it, Nicole.”
Nicole didn’t like her cousin’s shocked expression. “What can’t you believe?”
“That man, the one who caught you when you tripped, is none other than Mr. Ashton Lee, a co-owner of the Conrail Railroad.”
Stunned, all Nicole could do was blink. “Really?”
“My husband is friends with him.” Emily’s grin widened as she stepped closer, glancing around them as if she wanted to keep their conversation private. “Mr. Lee was asking Randall about you when you left a few minutes ago.”
Nicole gasped. “What did he say?”
Emily’s eyebrows waggled. “I think he’s sweet on you. He’d asked Randall if he knew who you were. Randall told him that we were cousins.”
Breathing in deeply, Nicole tried to relax. She wasn’t used to a man being sweet on her. “Well, if he’s interested in getting to know me, then I’m sure he’ll come find me soon enough.”
Emily’s gaze wandered over Nicole’s shoulder. Her cousin’s eyes widened. “From your lips to God’s ears. He’s walking our way.”
Nicole tried to calm her excitement. But truth be told, she hadn’t had a man pay her any mind since Mr. Hugh Greenly had courted her for those two whole weeks, a little over three months ago. Although it was one of the worst experiences of her life, at least she was able to get a man’s attention.
Now that she wasn’t helping her brother any longer, she would really enjoy a man’s attention. After all, she wasn’t getting any younger. If she waited too much longer for the perfect man, she’d become an old maid.
So tonight, she’d live in a fairytale for as long as she could, playing the part of Cinderella, and trying her best to make the handsome stranger become her very own Prince Charming.
Ashton Lee watched the very lovely woman he’d helped earlier on the steps, walk back into the ballroom. He wasn’t certain exactly what was different about her, but she looked even lovelier now than she had before she’d left the room. Perhaps it was her pink cheeks, or the satisfied smile she wore when she had returned to the ballroom. Seeing her this way stirred his interest up another notch.
To think, he almost didn’t attend the Babcock’s masked ball tonight. If Ashton had stayed home, he would have missed feeling so surprised—and amused—by the lovely Cinderella. Thankfully, he’d allowed his friends Glynn Nickerson and Steven Larson to convince him into coming. Ashton needed to remember to thank them later.
It was still too soon to know if the mysterious woman was General Babcock’s mistress, or if she had been sneaking around in the general’s study without any lighting for some other purpose. Had she stolen something of value? Was that the reason she seemed in such a hurry to leave Ashton’s side by the wide staircase?
He’d dealt with enough deceitful women in the past five years to know when one had a secret. Cinderella most definitely was hiding something. For some odd reason, he would enjoy discovering what that secret was. Perhaps his eagerness to prove that women lied to him stemmed back to when his fiancée jilted him two days before their wedding. Nevertheless, he’d relish the hunt in finding this new woman’s mysteries.
Cinderella captured his curiosity, and the only way he could start figuring her out was to ask her to dance. Naturally, she wouldn’t confess to being the general’s mistress, and for certain she wouldn’t admit to being a thief, but getting to know her would be worth the trouble to see what this woman was trying to hide.
Once she’d reentered the ballroom, Randall Thompson’s wife had hurried to the beauty’s side. Randall had mentioned Cinderella and his wife were cousins and that Cinderella actually lived in the next town over, Belle. That wasn’t too far, since his residence was now here in Ft. Bridger because of the railroad station where he’d been assigned.
As he neared Cinderella, his gaze skimmed over her lovely gown. The mysterious woman was adorned in an elegant pale blue gown with a lavender skirt, trimmed with a white chiffon scarf that lined the bodice and the fallen-shoulders that came to tie at her slender back in streamers. Elbow-length white gloves gave a final touch to her ensemble. Pearl-drop earrings hung at her lobes, and a simple string of pearls circled her slender neck. For certain, this was no Cinderella, unless the fairytale character had suddenly become sensual.
He definitely needed to get to know this woman tonight.
As he neared the woman, the atmosphere in the room shifted. Mrs. Thompson’s eyes widened and she acted as if she tried not to look his way, although she didn’t do a very good job of ignoring him. Cinderella had her back to him, and her shoulders suddenly stiffened. Indeed, these two women were talking about him and knew he was close by.
Just as he reached her, she turned and faced him. He took in her beauty, wishing she wasn’t wearing the mask to hide her face. “Greetings again, Cinderella.”
She dipped into a curtsey. “I see you are still charming me, my prince.”
“I’m happy that you noticed.” He shrugged. “I would ask for an introduction, but I’m sure you won’t satisfy my curiosity to your identity this early in the evening.”
“You are quite right, sir. Not until after midnight, anyway.”
He nodded. “Just as long as you promise not to turn into a pumpkin at that time since you are under a spell.”
It took a couple of seconds before she tilted back her head and laughed. The musical tone of her voice surprised him. Most proper women he knew didn’t laugh so boisterous. Yet when she did it, he liked it.
“Oh, Prince Charming, I’m afraid you haven’t read the fairytale story very well. Cinderella doesn’t turn into a pumpkin at midnight. She returns to her servant status.”
Randall Thompson’s wife giggled with a hand over her mouth.
He crinkled his brow. “Then what turns into a pumpkin at midnight?”
“The coach Cinderella was riding in,” the lovely woman in front of him answered.
“Well,” he shrugged, “I suppose I wasn’t one to read fairytales, anyway.” He grinned before turning to the other woman. “And what is your costume, Mrs. Thompson?”
m nothing of consequence, sir.” Her pink cheeks matched the color of her gown as she plucked at the sides. Ruffles upon ruffles flounced around her, making her look too…fluffy. “I just chose a gown and a mask,” she continued.
“I’ve noticed there aren’t many guests tonight wearing an actual costume.” He took a quick glance around the room. “Perhaps the Babcock’s should have made it clearer in their invitation.”
“Oh, but because you wear a costume, you stand out more than the others,” Cinderella said with a hint of laughter in her voice. “So tell me, Prince Charming, are you from Ft. Bridger?”
He stared into her mesmerizing gaze again, still wishing he knew if her eyes really sparkled or if it was the mask making them appear that way. “Actually, I’m not originally from here. I’m from New York, but I have recently purchased a house not far from here.”
“How nice. I hope you enjoy this town,” Mrs. Thompson said. “It’s really very friendly.”
Immediately, the orchestra ended their tune, which meant another dance would soon follow. He quickly offered his arm to Cinderella. “Would you dance with me so we can get to know each other a little better?”
“I would be delighted.” She placed her white-gloved hand on his arm.
He couldn’t believe how regal he felt escorting the loveliest woman in this room out for a dance. Sly glances from the other men turned his way and made him chuckle softly. Indeed, he would be envied tonight.
The musicians began playing a faster dance, and his hopes sank. Although most women loved this style of dance, it wasn’t his favorite at all. He’d rather have the woman in his arms while he spun her around the room.
Her jovial expression grew as the dance progressed. He couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. The few times he was able to take her hands and swing her, her sparkling gaze caught his notice. For certain it was not her mask this time.
The dance ended, and she hooked her hand over his arm as he started to escort her back to her friend, but when the fiddles began playing a slower dance, he stopped and looked into her eyes once more.
“Would it be too daring of me to ask for this dance as well?” He arched an eyebrow.
Her eyes twinkled. “Probably just as daring if I were to accept.”
“So shall we be daring together?” He motioned his head toward the other couples gathering on the floor.
“What a splendid idea.”
Once she was in his arms, allowing him to lead her around the floor in a smooth waltz, his heart picked up speed. Not only was she lovely, but she smelled heavenly. This woman entranced him, and if he wasn’t careful, he might become more involved with her than just wanting to discover her secret.
He prayed she wasn’t involved with General Babcock. Ashton wanted her for himself, and no other woman would do.
Slowly, he stroked her gloved fingers enfolded in his hand. He studied her more deeply than before as he scanned her face. “So tell me, my dear, how long have you known General Babcock?”
She shrugged. “Not long at all. I was only introduced to him this evening when I came with my cousin and her husband.”
He wished he could really see her eyes. Then he’d know if she was lying or not. However, her voice didn’t sound like she hid the truth. Her words flowed smoothly without hesitation, which told him she wasn’t lying.
“How about you?” she asked. “How do you know the general?”
Chuckling lightly, he reminded himself once more to thank Glynn and Steve for talking him into coming tonight. “Just like you, I met the man this evening. I came to the masked ball with friends.”
“I’ve heard General Babcock is a very likable man. I’m sure your charming personality will make him want to include you in his circle of friends from now on.” She nodded.
“Perhaps, but I’d rather be your friend.”
Tilting her head back, she laughed. The curve of her slender neck looked so smooth, and he had the sudden urge to stroke the skin with the pads of his thumbs. Thankfully, he fought the feeling, convincing himself that it was her alluring costume and her fascinating mask that had enchanted him tonight. Once identities were revealed at midnight, he was certain she would be just as ordinary—and deceitful—as most women he’d known.
And speaking of deceit… If she’d only met Babcock tonight, then what was she doing sneaking around in his study? His curiosity climbed a notch.
“What a delightful man you are, Prince Charming.” Cinderella grinned wide.
“I’m trying very hard to accomplish that.” He winked. “So tell me something, my dear. I’ve been wondering since I saw you floating gracefully down the grand staircase earlier, why you were coming from those rooms? If you don’t know the general or his family, what were you doing up there?”
She held her breath, and even her body stiffened slightly. Even through the slits in the mask, he could see her eyes growing larger. Ah-ha! Now he knew she had a secret because it surprised her that he asked about it.
“Oh, yes,” she breathed out a sigh. “I was upstairs in one of the side rooms because my gown had to be repaired.” She shrugged. “Nothing major, I assure you, and I sewed up the rip in the material quickly.” She peeked over her shoulder toward the front doors to the ballroom before resting her gaze back on him. “That was why I couldn’t stay and talk to you after you had saved me from almost falling. I had to find Mrs. Babcock’s housekeeper and return the needle and thread I’d borrowed from her.”
He didn’t believe a word of it, but it had surprised him how quickly she’d thought up the story. Nevertheless, he was still intrigued, and determined to discover why she was in the general’s study. If she didn’t want to tell him, he’d get that information from her—or someone—soon enough.
“How very thoughtful of her to help you out in that predicament,” he said.
“Yes, she was very thoughtful.”
“Mrs. Babcock’s servant…what’s her name? My friend, Steve Larson, had helped her get hired on here.” He paused, hoping he appeared as if he were deep in thought, and praying she wouldn’t know he was lying as well. The beauty kept her gaze on him. “Oh, I remember. Her name is Mrs. Hemsworth.”
“Yes.” Cinderella nodded. “That’s her name. She’s such a sweet woman.”
“I can’t say I’ve ever met her, but I’ll take your word for it.” His smile grew. Her lies were growing, and he was still determined to figure out her secret.
Once the dance ended, she stepped out of his arms. The warmth he’d felt for the past few minutes was now gone, and he sorely wanted it back. It didn’t matter—right now, anyway—that she was lying to him. Over the years, he had come to expect that from women, and when he finally realized they were all that way, it helped him to protect his heart better.
“Well, Prince Charming,” she began after a few awkward moments of silence, “I thank you for the dances, but I fear if we don’t find other partners for the dances to come, we will indeed create a scandal.”
“Very true. Although the idea of another man keeping you company wounds my ego, I must step aside and let you go. For now.”
Chuckling, she shook her head and walked toward her cousin. Perhaps the only way to know what had been in the study that she thought was valuable, would be to ask his friends Larson and Nickerson since they knew the general quite well.
Suddenly excitement spread throughout Ashton, and he couldn’t wait to learn her secret. Not often did he play these games with women, but Cinderella was different, and it was that difference that kept him interested.
Nicole danced a few more times with different men, but none of them were as interesting as her Prince Charming. Her feet were tired, and she needed a breath of fresh air. She headed toward her cousin to see if Emily wanted to join her outside, but Randall took that moment to lead his wife onto the dance floor.
Sighing, Nicole realized that if she wanted fresh air, she’d have to go by herself. It wasn’t like anyone knew her here, any
way, so perhaps she wouldn’t cause scandal by going alone. Once she stepped out onto the terrace, she breathed a heavy sigh. The night air felt so refreshing against her flushed face. She moved to the gated edge and held onto the steel railing. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head back, enjoying the cool air against her throat. She took in large breaths, hoping the coolness would rejuvenate her insides as well.
When she opened her eyes and gazed across the manicured lawns and the lanterns littering the walking trails, she realized not many people were out enjoying the evening and the invigorating cooler air. From down at the end of the walkway, a lone figure captured her attention. The man was tall, and his stance was very striking, reminding her of someone else she’d not been able to keep her eyes off of.
She moved away from the railing and walked down the few steps and onto one of the trails, studying the man’s build. Half of him was in the shadows, and by watching the other half, she knew for sure that this was Mr. Ashton Lee. No other man was dressed as regal as her Prince Charming.
He must have been lost in his thoughts, because he must not have heard her approach. His gaze was aimed toward the road, yet there was nothing really to see. She wanted to say something to startle him, yet nothing came to mind.
Softly, she cleared her throat, hoping the noise would jerk him out of his daydreams. But when that didn’t work, she knew she’d have to do it again, but louder. Either that or she’d have to actually say something.
Once more, she swallowed and cleared her throat. “For a moment there, Mr. Lee, I thought you might be lost.”
His body stiffened, but he didn’t jump as she’d expected him to do. However, his head snapped toward her. It only took him a second before his mouth stretched into a wide grin.
“Me, lost? No, my dear, it’s you who are lost.” Slowly, he turned and faced her. “Because you cannot possibly be out here with me—alone.”