True Love's Deception Read online

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  “Ohhh...” His mother cried while his father’s strong arm went around her for comfort.

  Andrew took hold of his mother’s cold hands. “Please forgive me for going with them. If I had known—”

  “No, Andrew. It is our fault.” She glanced at his father, then back to him. “We sheltered both of our children. Neither of you knew how horrid the world could be.” She sniffed.

  He squeezed her hands. “If I had known you were still alive, I would have moved heaven and earth to find you.”

  His mother continued to cry, and his father put his arm around him again. “We know you would have, son. We cannot erase the past seventeen years, but we can try to make up for the time that was taken away.”

  Andrew smiled fully. “There is nothing I would like better.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Madeline hummed sweetly as she checked herself in the mirror. Not more than fifteen minutes ago she had been informed she had a visitor waiting in the parlor for her. Gregg Fielding. Sighing heavily, she frowned. Would he still want to marry her after she told him she had been in Andrew’s bed? Hopefully not. Andrew was within her reach. She’d get him for certain.

  But for certain she would have to tell Gregg and have him call off their engagement, and she wasn’t really looking forward to that. These past few days, he had actually been enjoyable. He had been a true gentleman, and he made her laugh too many times to count. She’d miss him.

  After fluffing her balloon sleeves and patting her hair into place, she left her bedroom and wandered down the stairs. Andrew had not returned from his meeting with the Lawrence family, and for some reason, Juliana had locked herself in her room. He wouldn’t have told Juliana what happened last night, would he?


  When she entered the parlor where Gregg waited, she came to a quick stop. Standing near the window stood Gregg, looking incredibly handsome. But his scowl frightened her nearly to death. He pierced her with his gaze.

  She swallowed. “Gregg. What a pleasant surprise.”

  He arched a brow. “Is it?”

  “But of course.” She chuckled. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “I don’t know. You tell me.”

  She shrugged, wishing he’d quit playing the guessing game with her. “It’s a beautiful afternoon, and your company only makes it sweeter.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Well, unfortunately I am going to ruin your wonderful afternoon.”

  She scrunched her forehead. “Whatever are you talking about?”

  He marched to her and took hold of her shoulders. She gasped and her head fell back as she looked upon his dark features.

  “Oh, I’m certain you know what I’m talking about. And don’t ever call me Gregg again. From now on, you may refer to me as Mr. Fielding.”

  She blinked. “Gregg...Mr. Fielding, you are frightening me. I fear I don’t know why you are so cross.”

  He shook his head. “What a good performer you are, but I can see through your deceitful ways now, my dear.” He yanked her closer to him. “I know what happened last night between you and Andrew.” He seethed. “Because of your scandalous actions, with Nick’s permission I’m calling off our engagement. You had a chance to marry a respectable and wealthy gentleman, but because of the jezebel you have turned into, you will probably never get that chance again.”

  Tears stung her eyes, but she refused to cry in front of him. Instead, she lifted her chin in defiance. “Whatever you may think of me, I am not a harlot. I did what I did because I love Andrew, and I believe I would be a better wife for him than my sister.”

  He let go of her as if she were fire. He stepped away and shook his head. “You love Andrew so much you would ruin your relationship with your sister, not to mention separate Juliana from the man she loves?”

  Madeline’s heart twisted. No! She must not feel weak. She was doing the right thing. She was! Quickly, she blinked back her tears. “I love Andrew more than my sister.”

  “Maybe, maybe not, but your selfishness just might destroy Andrew because he loves Juliana with all his heart. Have you even considered what that man is going through right now? Do you even care?”

  She whirled away from him and walked toward the window. “I did what I did because I am thinking of Andrew. Besides,” she paused, glancing over her shoulder, “with Andrew out of the way, you’ll be able to win Juliana for yourself.”

  Fire practically shot out of his eyes as he stormed toward her. In a panic, she backed up against the wall. He reached her and grasped her shoulders, giving her one shake.

  “I don’t care about winning Juliana. I don’t care about my selfish needs like you do.”

  “Ha!” She laughed in his face. “You were correct when you said we are very much alike, because I know what you’re thinking right now. Inside you’re bursting with the knowledge of knowing you may get to seduce Juliana after all.”

  His hands tightened on her shoulders and made her whimper.

  “Don’t ever compare me to the likes of you again. True, I used to think we were the same, but now I see the error of my ways, and I have you to thank for that. I never want to be like you. I cherish my friendship with Juliana too much to become the vicious, conniving, scheming devil you have turned out to be.”

  “Oh!” She pushed him away and walked past him toward the door. “Get out of my house. Now! I never want to see you again.”

  He snickered as he strolled by her. “I would be most happy to do so.”

  After he walked out the door, slamming it closed, she crumbled to the floor and wrapped her arms around her middle. Rocking back and forth, she allowed the tears to rush forth. She had indeed lost someone she had once felt close to. Gregg.

  Closing her eyes, she shook her head. Andrew’s final words this morning came resounding through her head. He did not love her. He never would. He loved Juliana.

  Oh, Lord. What had she done? And why did she feel Gregg’s loss more than Andrew’s?

  JULIANA LEFT HER ROOM and wandered outside. With a broken heart, she walked along the flower gardens, strolled by the stables. Everything reminded her of Andrew. Would she ever stop loving him?

  Probably not.

  Then could she bring herself to live with him here in England?

  Her heart crumbled again. Probably not.

  As she rounded the corner of the house, Gregg bounded down the front porch, heading for his horse. He looked angrier than disturbed hornets. Only one person has ever made her that mad.


  “Gregg,” she called out, running toward him.

  Near his horse, he stopped, looked her way and offered a smile even though it didn’t reach his eyes. “Good afternoon, my dear Juliana.”

  When she stopped in front of him, she took his hand. “I need to speak with you. Hopefully, I’m not keeping you from anything important.”

  He shook his head. “My dear, you are more important than anything I might have going on.” He stroked her cheek. “What is it you need?”

  “Have you heard from Nicholas? I’ve been worried about Andrew because I don’t know how his meeting turned out. He hasn’t returned.”

  Gregg shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I have not. Andrew will be back shortly, I’m certain.”

  She dropped her hands to her sides and stepped away. “All right. I will try to be patient a little longer.”

  He smiled and turned to his horse.

  “One more thing, Gregg.”

  She glanced at the house, then back to him. “What has you so upset today? I saw you fleeing the house as if wild wolves were on your heels.”

  He sighed heavily and shook his head. “I cannot tell you. Maddie will have to. But know this from me...your sister and I are no longer engaged.”

  She gasped and put her hand to her throat. “Indeed? Can you do this?”

  “The bans have not been posted, so it can be done.”

  “What about Andrew and Nicholas?”

  “They agree with my ch

  She stepped closer. “Gregg? What happened between you and my sister?”

  “It’s not my place to tell you.” He nodded toward the house. “Ask your sister. And later, talk to Andrew to hear him as well.”

  Fear tightened around Juliana’s throat and made her heartbeat quicken. What has her sister done now? And Andrew knew and hadn’t said anything?

  She turned toward the house and on shaky legs, made her way inside. As she passed each room, she peered inside to find Maddie. Her sister was in the parlor sitting at the pianoforte, staring at the keys. Her eyes were slightly swollen as if she’d been crying. When she saw Juliana walk in, she quickly turned toward the wall.



  “I talked with Gregg outside. He told me your engagement has been called off.”

  “Yes,” she mumbled.

  Juliana walked closer. “Can you tell me why?”

  Maddie shrugged and turned toward her. “He finally realized we don’t suit, I suppose.”

  Juliana shook her head. “He mentioned his choice was made because of something you did.”

  Maddie glanced at her fingernails as if studying them. She didn’t reply.

  “Maddie? Did you do something terrible to Gregg?”

  “No, not something to him personally.”

  “Will you tell me what you’ve done? I think I have the right to know.”

  Maddie flew up her hands and marched to the nearest sofa and plopped down. She still didn’t meet Juliana’s eyes.

  “Something happened last night that should not have happened,” Maddie said.

  “What?” Juliana followed her to the sofa on shaky legs and sat.

  “I was awake when Andrew came home last night.” She lifted her gaze to Juliana. “Andrew was so drunk he was knocking things over. I feared he would break something—or harm himself, so I helped him to his room.”

  Panic tightened in Juliana’s chest. She really didn’t want to know. But her mouth refused to stop Maddie from finishing the story.

  “Because it was so dark, and because he was so drunk, he mistakenly thought I was you.” She shrugged. “I helped him into bed, and he pulled me with him, pinning me down...and well...things happened that shouldn’t have.”

  Juliana’s stomach rolled, and her heart was near to shattering. She couldn’t breathe, yet her angry breaths came out quickly, making her chest ache. “Knowing you as well as I do, you probably did nothing to stop his advances,” she whispered.

  Maddie’s gaze drifted to her nails again, not saying anything else.

  Hurt and anger boiled through Juliana and she found the strength to stand. “I cannot believe you would do something that vile to your own sister.” She balled her hands into fists. “You are so coldhearted and deceitful. No wonder Gregg called off the engagement. You don’t deserve a good man like him.” She shook her head. “And to think Andrew tried to do the right thing by you and make Gregg marry you. How horrible!”

  Juliana paced the floor, seething. “You definitely don’t deserve the good family you have now, so from this moment on, you are no longer my sister. I will not tolerate your whorish behavior.”

  Tears swam in Maddie’s eyes, and she rose to her feet, planting her hands on her hips. “Fine. Go back to Scotland. I don’t care. I don’t need you. I never did.”

  Juliana walked to her and stopped very close to her face, glaring. “No, Maddie. I will not make it easy for you. I will indeed leave and return to Scotland, but you will not stay here. This house is not yours. It’s mine.”

  Her sister’s eyes widened. “And pray, when did this happen?”

  “When Father gave me my inheritance on the night of my birthday.” She laughed bitterly. “I will give you one month to find somewhere to stay, then I’m kicking you out of this place—and out of my life for good.”

  Maddie’s face paled and she shook her head. “ cannot do that. Andrew won’t let you. Because he is your husband, it’s his property, not yours. Andrew loves me and will not let me live on the streets like some pauper.”

  “Oh, think again.” Juliana chuckled. “There is something else you don’t know, and now is the perfect time to tell you. Andrew and I are not legally married. It’s a farce. A lie I told Father so I could get my inheritance without getting married.”

  Maddie gasped and brought her hand to her mouth.

  “Yes, dear Maddie, I paid the stable hand to dress as a gentleman and act like my husband. I didn’t want Constance to arrange a marriage for me so I could live in England. I deceived you all.”

  “That explains a lot,” Maddie whispered in awe.

  “Everything is mine—especially this house since it was my mother’s,” Juliana continued, “and because of that, Andrew cannot tell me what to do.”

  Maddie grinned. “I cannot wait to tell Father.”

  “Be my guest. Tell him. I don’t care. I’ll be right behind you to explain to our parents why I had to kick you out.”

  Her sister’s bottom lip trembled. “You win. I will not say a word. I will keep your secret if you keep mine.”

  “I agree. But I’m still giving you one month to pack your things and depart. If you are not gone in thirty days, I will physically kick you out into the street.”

  “What will you tell Father?”

  Juliana shrugged. “I will have one month to think about it, and I’m most certain I will come up with something clever.” She arched a brow. “I’ll inform him you joined the convent or something. Seems fitting, don’t you think?”

  Maddie shook her head. “You are very cold-hearted.”

  Juliana lifted her chin. “And you don’t have a heart at all.” She turned and marched out of the room and up the stairs to her bedroom. Her limbs shook like an earthquake. When she reached her room and shut the door behind her, she fell on her bed and sobbed uncontrollably.

  She couldn’t blame Andrew for what her sister had trapped him into doing, but she couldn’t convince her heart of it. If he hadn’t been so intoxicated, he would have known the difference between her and Maddie.

  Wiping her wet cheeks, she sniffed. She feared there wasn’t anything she could do now. Andrew was lost to her forever.

  MADDIE STUFFED ANOTHER gown in her satchel, knowing there were things she would not be able to take with her. Sighing, she glanced around the room, not seeing anything due to the blur of tears still blocking her vision. Where would she go? What could she do?

  She had to send a note to her parents, but then she would have to tell them the horrid truth. She had ruined the lives of two people, and she would not be able to fix it. Ever. But perhaps she could try.

  Wiping her wet eyes, she walked to her desk and sat. She pulled out a paper and quill and began to write.

  Dearest Andrew. My heart is full of sadness as I write this, and I only hope I can say what is in my heart. I do love you, but now I realize you have never loved me. Juliana is the woman for you, and I sincerely wish the best for you two, because I know she loves you, too. I will not see you after today. I’m traveling away from this godforsaken place. I don’t know where the road will take me, but I must learn to fend for myself since Juliana has kicked me out of the house without any funds.

  Before anything else happens between you and Juliana, I need to tell you the truth about the other night when you returned home drunk. I had planned to be in your bed. I had planned to seduce you. What I hadn’t planned was that you would pass out the moment your head hit the pillow. Nothing happened that night. I slept by your side. That was all.

  Please forgive me for everything I have put you and Juliana through. I hope the best for the both of you.

  Yours always, Madeline.

  More tears fell, but she ignored them to fold the paper and put her father’s seal on the outside. She could not take back all of her sins, but perhaps with this letter, Andrew’s heart would not be guilt-stricken. And perhaps God would not punish her too harshly for her misdee

  She addressed the letter in care of Matthew Lawrence, Duke of Grenwick. Certainly, it would get into Andrew’s hands this way.

  After taking the letter to one of the servants for them to deliver, she walked back in her room and looked around one last time. She may never return, even if Juliana forgave her. Too many memories. Too much heartache.

  She would make the best out of her dire circumstance, and would be the better person for doing so. Perhaps one day she could look back on this day and think it was the first day of her new life.


  But for now, she would leave with a heavy heart and swollen eyes.

  She turned and walked out of her room, closing the door for the last time.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Each day seemed to get a little better for Juliana. She had lost Andrew, and although she feared the pain would never go away, at least she could leave her bedroom without sobbing over everything. When she discovered Maddie had left, it made things easier. Juliana had not regretted her decision to toss that girl out. But she did regret not running into Andrew’s arms.

  He had not come home the day he met with the Lawrence family, but a note from him had. He told her that his memory had returned, and he was indeed the long lost son. Her heart had cheered for him. He also told her she was welcome to stay with him and his family, because he would not be returning to the Beaumont estate. Her heart had broken then.

  Gossip spread like wildfire, and suddenly, Andrew Dean Lawrence, Viscount Straton was the hit of London. Juliana stopped going out in public because of all the questions. She was tired of the lies. It was time to stop.

  She waited though...waited for Andrew to come and tell her he loved her so much he would return to Scotland with her. Clearly, he didn’t love her enough. And she must return. Scotland was her home. It had been the land her mother held dear to her heart—the same land her grandmother wanted to die on. Juliana would carry on the tradition of taking care of the land.

  Without a husband.

  Two months passed by slowly, and soon she received a letter from her parents informing her of their return. Apparently, the doctor in Paris had worked miracles, and Constance was coming home a new woman. Juliana smiled. At least someone in the family would receive a happily ever after.


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