Bella's Beast Read online

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  BELLA’S NERVES HAD been strained during the ride to the Wentworth’s estate, but only because Andrew and the hunting party hadn’t found the beast. Thankfully, she arrived at the estate without hearing an animal’s angry growl, which gave her hope that the panther had moved to prey in a different location in another part of Montana.

  As for Garrett’s beast, she wasn’t worried in the slightest. She’d convinced herself last night that the man was telling his tall tales again, but this time, he was sober, which was strange. Nevertheless, she wouldn’t let him scare her. She embraced the opportunity to become a tutor for Anastasia, and in the process, make some money to help support her father. It also relieved her that Mr. Wentworth had offered his family’s nurse to watch over her father while she was gone.

  As she walked up the stone steps of the grand mansion, she peered up at the many windows. One window, in particular, had the curtains closed, and yet, she thought she saw someone peeking through. A chill ran over her, and she tried shaking it off. This place isn’t haunted! Yet, the stories circling town seemed to say differently.

  She couldn’t listen to gossipmongers. She must create her own opinion of this place and this family.

  She stopped at the door and knocked. As she listened to the morning birds in the distance, she breathed easier. If birds were in the woods, that meant the panther wasn’t.

  The door opened, and a man dressed in a servant’s uniform of gray and black trousers, shirt, and jacket, stood before her. His expression was pleasant, which relieved her.

  “Hello. I’m Bella Walsh.”

  “Yes. Master Wentworth was expecting you. If you’ll follow me.”

  He turned and walked down a large corridor. Bella obediently followed until they stepped into a bright, cheerful room. This place was nothing as she thought it would be.

  “Master Wentworth will be here momentarily.”

  “Thank you.”

  The man left the room, closing the doors behind him. She expelled her breath, realizing she’d been holding it. Trying to stay calm, she walked around the room, looking at pictures, and studying knick-knacks. The family was wealthy, to say the least, but so far, she didn’t remember anything about being here. Perhaps she never would, even though Garrett seemed to think differently.

  She’d read a few of her mother’s journals, and they spoke about the family and how Bella had become fast friends with their son, Terrick. Because she didn’t remember much about her sixteenth year, she hoped Terrick wouldn’t be offended if she didn’t recognize him. After all, it had been seven years.

  Footsteps echoed in the corridor, and she quickly stepped toward the door to meet Mr. Wentworth. The door opened, and the first thing she saw was a young girl in messy pigtails and wearing boy’s clothes and boots. As she glanced behind the girl, the man limping toward her wasn’t the older gentleman she had met yesterday at her house. Instead...

  She sucked in a breath, trying not to overreact. The man’s description was very similar to how Garrett had described him. The tall man had wide shoulders, and he leaned heavily on a cane as he came into the room. A black scarf covered most of the right side of his face, and all she could see was his gray eyes. But... the way he looked at her brought a sparkle to his eyes.

  Her heart flipped, yet she didn’t know why. She couldn’t remember this man, but something deep inside of her told her that he was a real gentleman.

  “Good morning, Miss Walsh,” he said in a deep voice.

  She smiled and nodded. “Good morning.”

  “I’m Terrick.”

  He paused, and she wondered if he was waiting for some recognition. Sadly, she couldn’t give it to him.

  “Nice to meet you.” She curtsied slightly.

  The disappointment in his eyes was noticeable, but then he pointed to the girl.

  “This is my sister, Anastasia.”

  Bella pulled her attention away from Terrick and looked at the girl again, closer this time. Anastasia had remarkable gray eyes, just like her brother. Their amazing eyes would be hard to forget, so if she had met Terrick, why couldn’t she remember?

  “I’m very happy to meet you, Anastasia.” Bella smiled.

  “I’ve heard so much about you.” The girl grasped Bella’s arm in excitement. “I really can’t wait to start our lessons.”

  Bella wanted to know why the girl had heard so much about her when Bella didn’t remember one thing about this house or the family. “Then let’s not wait a moment longer. Take me to your room. The first thing we’re going to do is find a dress for you to wear.” She glanced at Terrick. “I’m assuming your sister has a complete wardrobe?”

  “Indeed, she does.” He nodded.

  “Come on.” Anastasia tugged playfully on Bella’s arm. “I’ll take you to my room and show you my collection.”

  Before they could leave the room, Mr. Wentworth walked inside, looking right at Bella. His smile was pleasant.

  “Miss Walsh, it’s good to see you.”

  “And you, as well, Mr. Wentworth.”

  “Did my nurse make it to your place this morning?”

  “Yes, and Mrs. Harris is such a kind woman. Father loved her immediately.”

  Mr. Wentworth linked his hands behind him and rocked back on the heels of his boots. “Splendid.” He glanced at Terrick. “Miss Walsh, I’m assuming you met my son?”

  She peeked a look at him again. Curiosity arose, and she really wanted to know what had happened to him to make him look this way. “Yes, of course.”

  “Do you remember meeting him seven years ago?” the older Wentworth asked.

  Terrick groaned and rubbed his forehead. “Father, don’t push the issue.”

  “Actually, no,” she said hesitantly, even though the situation was very awkward. The atmosphere had become very thick between father and son, and the son’s eyes were shooting invisible daggers at the older man.

  “I just wanted to know if she remembered you,” Mr. Wentworth explained in a calming voice.

  Terrick growled. “And she doesn’t, so don’t force her.”

  The older man faced his son and folded his arms across his chest, meeting the other man’s glare perfectly. “If you would just listen to me for once in your life, I will—”

  “Pardon me?” Terrick’s voice lifted in anger. “That’s been my problem for the past seven years. I’ve listened to you.” He shook his head. “No more, Father.”

  He moved away from his father and came closer to Bella. His breathing wasn’t so labored as he met her gaze, and thankfully, the anger in his eyes was gone.

  “I hope you can forgive my father and me for airing our quarrel in front of you. I won’t let it happen again.”

  She didn’t know what to say, so she nodded. For a moment, Terrick had frightened her with the anger he’d displayed, and she wondered if he was a violent man. However, his sister didn’t seem affected. She looked rather bored, in fact.

  Anastasia pulled on Bella’s arm again. “Let’s go to my room and away from these irritable men.”

  Without another word, the girl tugged Bella out of the room and up the stairs. Bella didn’t need to glance behind her to know that Terrick was watching her. She felt his gaze on her. It was an odd feeling, and she didn’t know how to describe it. She wasn’t frightened, not really, and yet, it oddly disturbed her. At least that’s what she figured was the cause of the tingles running up and down her spine.


  Terrick had waited until Bella and his sister were up the stairs before closing the door to the sitting room and facing his father. He couldn’t hold back his frustration any longer.

  His father held up his hands in surrender. “All I wanted to do was see if there was any recollection about what happened to her seven years ago.”

  Grumbling, Terrick rolled his eyes. “And you didn’t think I could handle talking to her myself?” He pushed his fingers through his hair and paced the floor, using his cane to help him
because of his limp. “But that’s been the problem for years, hasn’t it? My father has never believed that his own son can handle real life.” He stopped and faced the older man. “When I was twenty-one and had fallen in love with Bella, you told me to wait until she was more mature.”

  His father held up a finger. “Now you must agree that I’d made a good decision at that time. You were both too young for marriage, and you needed to find what you wanted out of life.”

  “I wanted Bella Walsh, and she wanted me.”

  His father shook his head. “That’s not what I mean, and you know it.” He motioned his hand toward the window. “Because of my suggestion, you have created your own empire. You co-own a railroad, for heaven’s sake. That’s quite impressive, son.”

  “Yes, but at what cost?” Terrick snapped. He moved to the window and looked outside. It was a beautiful day with a blue sky overhead and a welcoming sun that promised to bring warm temperatures. “Father, if you had just allowed me to court her. But no, you convinced her mother that the girl needed to forget about me for seven years.” His crushed heart wrenched harder. “Next week will be seven years exactly. And now... she doesn’t remember me at all.”

  “How was I to know that the girl’s mother would somehow wipe the memories out of Bella’s head?”

  Terrick swung around to look at his father. “Yes, how indeed?”

  The older man shrugged. “If only she were still alive, then we could ask her.”

  “But we can’t, so now I need to figure out a way to make her remember... without scaring her away.”

  “Son, I believe you will succeed, just as you’ve done so far with your life.”

  “The only reason I succeed with the railroad is that I don’t have to be at the depot. If I were to show up to work, I would have people quitting on me.”

  “Terrick, I wish you wouldn’t think of yourself like a beast.” His father’s frown deepened. “You are still the handsome, robust son that you’ve always been.”

  Terrick hated it when people pitied him. His father’s constant remarks only made Terrick feel worse. Wasn’t it bad enough that he had to look at himself in the mirror every day and see his distorted body?

  “Father, just stop.” He swished his hand through his hair. “From now on, let me handle Bella. I don’t need your interference in this. Heaven knows what would happen as the end result. We don’t need her getting in a carriage accident that could take her life – like you did to your son.”

  His father’s face hardened. “Now that was uncalled for, and I wish you’d stop blaming me.”

  Terrick gave a nonchalant shrug. “I only put the blame where it lies.” He limped toward the door. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to be by myself for a while to think of how to bring back Bella’s memory.”

  As much as he wanted to hurry to his room, his limp kept him from going fast. Purposely, he walked by Anastasia’s room and listened inside. Bella’s sweet laughter floated through the air, mixed with his sister’s voice. His heart softened, and he began to feel calmer. Conversations with his father always made him upset but hearing Bella’s angelic voice eased him.

  He didn’t care if he never inherited this estate as his father had hinted about. All Terrick wanted was for Bella to love him as she used to, and for her to see beyond his afflictions and to his heart. Since his accident, he’d become a bitter, angry, and unforgiving man, but now that Bella was back in his life, perhaps things would finally change.

  He prayed that she would make his life worth living once again.


  BELLA COULDN’T BELIEVE how quickly time flew by, but she was enjoying herself with Anastasia. Bella felt like a girl herself as she found a pretty dress for the girl, along with the feminine undergarments, stockings, and heeled boots. Styling the girl’s hair was also enjoyable, and the two of them laughed together as if they were longtime friends.

  If Bella had indeed known Terrick seven years ago, Anastasia would have been a child in her tenth year. But of course, Bella couldn’t remember. Nothing at all seemed familiar about the manor.

  After the midday meal, Bella and Anastasia went outside for a stroll around the grounds. The girl showed Bella her mother’s flower garden, which one of the gardeners took care of now. They walked into the large stable where the girl introduced her mare, Serene. Anastasia also pointed to Terrick’s steed – which he didn’t ride much anymore – and her father’s horse.

  Asking Anastasia about her brother was on the tip of Bella’s tongue, but she withdrew from letting her questions fly from her mouth. This was her first day on the job. She shouldn’t stir problems.

  They wandered outside again, and Bella looked up at the clear blue sky and closed her eyes. The estate was so peaceful, especially at this moment. She couldn’t believe people in town thought of this place as haunted. Indeed, they were fools like Garrett.

  “Bella?” Anastasia asked.

  Bella glanced down at the girl. “Yes?”

  “Why haven’t you asked about my brother’s deformities yet?”

  Startled, Bella gulped. “Well, I thought it wasn’t proper to ask such questions.”

  “It’s really no secret.” She flipped a curled lock of hair over her shoulder. “Terrick had a meeting in town at the railroad.” She arched an eyebrow. “Did you know he co-owns the railroad?”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  Anastasia nodded. “Anyway, he had a meeting in town, and when he went into the barn to get the carriage, he realized Father had taken it. We had two, but the other carriage was being repaired. Terrick asked the driver to take him into town even though the vehicle wasn’t repaired fully.” A frown claimed her face. “Although the driver was careful, a wheel still broke off, causing the carriage to roll down a ravine.”

  Bella gasped, and her hand flew to her throat. “That’s horrible.”

  Anastasia nodded and continued walking toward the woods. “He’d been thrown from the carriage at one point during the time it was rolling, and when the vehicle finally came to a stop, it had pinned his leg.”

  “Oh, the poor man.” Bella’s chest tightened as she imagined the horror Terrick must have gone through.

  “Our driver was hurt, but he was able to hurry into town to get some help.” She sighed heavily. “His face was cut up, but only a few minor cuts were left as scars. Unfortunately, his leg never fully healed. He’ll probably limp for the rest of his life.”

  Bella’s mind swirled with confusion. Wouldn’t she have heard about such an accident in town? Surely, the gossipmongers would have made the accident a daily topic. “Did you live here when that happened?”

  “No. We were at our summer estate in California. This place,” she motioned toward the manor, “is what Father considers our winter estate. I think it’s because he loves the snow, and Montana has so much of it during the winter.”

  “Yes, the winters here are beautiful but very cold.”

  “Anyway, not long after the accident, Terrick came here to live. He’s actually been here for the past two years. Father and I stayed in California – even during the winter – because I was going to school there, and he thought I needed the extra training.”

  They reached the edge of the forest and stopped. Bella studied the girl’s face, trying to see anything that might spark a memory. “Anastasia? I don’t know why I can’t remember your family, but I don’t. Tell me, do you remember me at all?”

  Shaking her head, the girl frowned. “Terrick talked about you quite often, but Father had me living with Aunt Elizabeth for many years. I needed a mother, and Father felt that his sister would be able to give that to me.” Anastasia giggled. “Personally, I don’t think it worked out the way Father intended because she was the one who told me I could wear boy’s clothes and ride a horse astride.”

  Bella laughed. “Oh, dear. That’s not good.”

  Anastasia shrugged. “But here you are, so things must have been meant to happen this way. Right?”

nbsp; Bella wasn’t sure how to answer. She believed things happened for a reason, but only remembering bits and pieces of her sixteenth year didn’t make sense, no matter how hard she pondered on it. “I suppose it is for some things.”

  “Well, I happen to think,” Anastasia took hold of Bella’s hands, “that you were brought here for a reason.”

  Bella grinned. “I was.” She winked. “It was to help you learn your manners and become a lady.”

  Anastasia laughed. “Definitely.” She hooked her arm around Bella as they turned back toward the house.

  Bella took two steps and stopped, looking at the man coming their way. Terrick was dressed slightly better than he’d been earlier, but he still wore a scarf around most of his face, and he leaned heavily on the cane.

  “Terrick,” Anastasia called in a sing-song voice, “what are you doing out here?” She released Bella’s arm and hurried to her brother. “I don’t think you’ve walked this far from the house before.”

  Terrick chuckled, and his baritone voice did silly things to her stomach. She folded her arms across her middle.

  “I haven’t,” he said, “but I realized today what I’m missing.” He glanced around the land, and then up at the sky, and finally resting his gaze on Bella. “How could I ignore the beauty that God has created?”

  Butterflies danced in Bella’s stomach, and she wished they would stop. They were definitely not hunger growls, since she’d already eaten. So why was her stomach acting this way?

  “You do have a lovely estate, Mr. Wentworth.”

  He shook his head and limped closer to her. “No, please don’t call me that. Call me, Terrick.”

  “All right, I will.” Bella noticed her breathing had become ragged all of a sudden, and warmth was spreading all over her. Once again, she’d never had these kinds of feelings before. She prayed she wasn’t catching an unknown ailment.

  Terrick looked at his sister and grinned. “And who do we have here? I don’t believe we’ve met before.”

  Anastasia laughed and playfully swatted his arm. “You’ve seen me in a dress.”


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