Once Enchanted Page 5
When they all sat, Clarissa observed how fidgety Prince Ormond seemed. As before, he wasn’t meeting anyone’s gaze. If he was trying to make a great first impression, he was failing miserably.
Queen Ruth glanced at her son and then rolled her eyes. “Ormond, dear, you could probably give those flowers to the princess now.”
His attention jumped up to meet his mother’s gaze. A crimson blush covered his face before he quickly stood and faced Clarissa.
“Umm...” His Adam’s apple jumped and he licked his lips. His gaze darted around, briefly landing on her before shooting somewhere else in the room. “These flowers are for you, Princess.”
She tried not to show the disgust she was feeling for the man right now, and forced herself to stand and smile. Standing was easy; smiling was not. “Thank you, Prince Ormond. They are very lovely.”
“Queen Ruth?” her mother questioned in a tone that was higher than normal, and rushed, as well. “Is that the Rapunzel flower, by chance?”
“Indeed, it is.” The other queen smiled wide. “I’m impressed you know your flowers.”
“Yes, well...this particular species is hard to forget,” her mother continued. “The flower’s true name is called Campanula Rapunculus, but it was shortened to Rapunzel years ago.”
Clarissa studied the pretty bouquet. Six petals, all open wide, showing the inside pistil and stigma. They formed a star-shaped blossom. Perhaps this characteristic is what made them so special, besides of course, her father’s story that accompanied this flower.
“The Rapunzel flowers are rare, indeed.” Clarissa offered her best smile to the queen and her awkward son.
“Collins,” her mother motioned toward the hall for the butler, who hurried inside, “will you fetch a vase to keep these precious blossoms? I think we shall put them on the mantle above the fireplace.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” Collins bowed and left the room quickly.
“Tell me, Queen Ruth,” her father asked, “does Edan grow this particular flower?”
“Oh, yes. It’s the favorite flower in our kingdom,” Queen Ruth nodded.
Clarissa looked back at Ormond, who continued to stand in front of her with eyes downcast. He nervously picked at the sleeve of his coat made of green and silver velvet. Why would a royal be so backwards and shy? Hadn’t he grown up the same as she and grown accustomed to being in the spotlight? Strange how she could tell how different they were, and yet she barely knew him.
“Thank you again, Prince Ormond.” She didn’t know what else to say, but he acted as though he waited for her to do or say something.
His gaze met hers again, and he nodded. “The flower’s scent is the most refreshing smell you’ve ever enjoyed.” He looked at the flower, and then down to the floor.
She really hated the squeaky tone of his voice, so she leaned into the bouquet to keep everyone from seeing the displeasure on her face. On instinct, she inhaled deeply. The fragrance of lavender—and another scent she couldn’t quite detect—enveloped her senses. For a brief moment, dizziness filled her mind. She closed her eyes, pulling the blossoms away from her nose as she tried to clear away the wooziness engulfing her.
When the feeling disappeared, she blinked her eyes open. Taking in a deep breath of fresh air, she met Ormond’s gaze again. This time he kept his focus on her without looking away. For the first time, she could distinctly see his face. Why had she thought him unattractive before? Finally, she could peer into his eyes, and what she saw made her heart skip a beat. He had the most mesmerizing green eyes, and the way his stare moved over her face in pure interest left her breathless.
Slowly, he smiled, and she almost swooned. The shape of his lips was perfect. And when he smiled, his eyes gleamed with desire.
Oh, my! Why hadn’t she seen him this way when he first walked in? The quick rhythm of her heart let her know that she would definitely like to get to know this man better.
Taking a deeper breath, she tried to calm her erratic heartbeat. “Oh, Prince Ormond! These flowers are absolutely perfect!”
“Perfect flowers for a perfect lady,” he murmured in a sultry voice.
Once more, her breath caught. Good heavens! How had his voice changed so drastically? She adored the way he stood in front of her as if a knight, come to her rescue. The tone of his voice was like heavenly harps playing in her ears, and had her melting. He now practically oozed confidence, strength, and most definitely sensuality.
For a moment, shyness consumed her, and she had to shake the indifferent emotion away. Odd, because she was never shy. Yet, for some reason, he made her heart pitter-patter like it had never done before. Actually, maybe it had once before... No, that must have been a dream.
“You are too kind, Prince Ormond,” she answered sweetly.
She couldn’t stop staring into his beautiful green eyes. Heavens, the only time she’d seen that color was in the summer when the grass was at its fullest color. So very dreamy...
Her father cleared his throat and she snapped out of the spell Ormond had put her under, and glanced at her parent. Confusion filled the king’s expression as he studied her with drawn eyebrows.
“I think dinner is ready,” her mother announced hesitantly.
“Yes...yes, I think it is,” her father agreed in a rush.
Ormond held out his elbow for Clarissa. “May I escort you into the dining room?”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She slid her hand around his arm that felt muscular, though it didn’t show.
Dizziness assailed her at first, and she steadied herself. After a few seconds, she was able to move. They all walked into the large dining room, and she noticed her parents watching her with a wide-eyed stare. Her father’s forehead was creased; worry lines marred his aging face. It surprised her to see him this way. Wouldn’t he be excited to know she was diligently trying to know Prince Ormond as her father had wished?
During the meal, not a lot was discussed between Clarissa and the prince. Not verbally, anyway. She gazed at him quite a bit as if seeing him for the first time, and he returned the gesture several times. Her parents talked with the queen, and even asked Ormond a few questions, which he answered with a surprisingly strong voice, but none of that made a difference for her. She was mesmerized by this man and couldn’t wait to be alone with him and get to know him better.
The evening passed quickly, and soon Prince Ormond and his mother prepared to leave. He stepped up to Clarissa, took her hand, and placed a kiss on her knuckles. Her heart fluttered again as trickles of delight danced up her arm.
“Princess, it was a pleasure to be in your company. I hope I’m invited to return to further our acquaintance.”
Nodding, she grinned. “Most definitely. I eagerly look forward to our next visit.”
As she watched him and his mother leave, she sighed heavily. She prayed he didn’t keep her waiting for very long until his next visit. She would definitely go insane with anticipation.
After a few minutes, her father cleared his throat loudly, pulling her out of her dreamy imagination. How long she had been staring at the door after Ormond left, she didn’t know. Embarrassed, she turned toward her father. He aimed a scowl toward her. “What?” she questioned.
“Was that display necessary?” he snapped.
What kind of question was that? And why didn’t he approve of her actions? “What are you referring to, Father?”
“I cannot believe your exploits this evening. I thought your mother and I raised you better.”
She gasped. “Father, I don’t understand you. What did I do wrong?”
“My dear,” the king shook his head, “I realize you are doing this to please us, but you overstepped the boundaries this time.”
Clarissa rubbed the ache growing in her forehead from the confusion filling her. “Why do you think I overstepped the boundaries?”
“Because of the doe-eyed expressions you gave him, and the flirty way you clutched his arm so closely as you walked
into the dining room, practically throwing yourself at him,” her father said with a gruff voice. “We are aware Prince Ormond is not what a girl would consider...um, handsome, but you acted as if he were the most perfect man who walked the earth.”
“Father, really, I don’t understand you.” She threw her hands in the air and walked to the fireplace, stopping in front and watching the low burning embers. “I’ll admit, Prince Ormond was a little shy and clumsy at first, but once I saw him up close, I couldn’t believe how handsome he was.” She smiled with remembrance. “What a sweet man, and such a charmer. Don’t you think so?” She ended with a dreamy sigh, looking back at her parents.
“Are you jesting?” Her father’s voice rose. “You think he was sweet, charming, and handsome?”
“Now Frank,” her mother chided softly as she patted the king on the arm. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
Clarissa’s father shook his head. “They’d have to be a blind beholder, that’s for certain.”
“Father!” she gasped. “I’ve never known you to be that rude before. I’m surprised you couldn’t see what I did.”
The king and queen traded wary glances before looking at Clarissa and shaking their head. She flipped a hand in the air. “Well, I did, and that’s all that matters, correct?”
“Are you telling me,” her father walked to her, “that you really did enjoy Prince Ormond’s company?”
“Yes, I really enjoyed it, and I hope he calls on me again.” Heat crawled up her cheeks. “I also felt he was attracted to me.”
Shaking his head slowly, her father frowned. “I suppose if you felt a spark between you, who am I to judge?”
“Was that all you were worried about?” Clarissa asked.
“Yes, my dear.” Her father cupped her face with his large hand. “I thought you were just acting overly nice to him to make a point with your parents. But if you really like him—”
“I do,” she added. “And I would like to see more of him. In fact, I’m seriously going to consider him as a potential husband.”
Her mother smiled and stroked Clarissa’s cheek. “Whatever you wish, my dearest daughter.”
“This is what I wish.” Clarissa nodded, finalizing the conversation. “Now if I can be excused, I’d like to return to my room.” And daydream about my prince.
“Uh...all right,” her father shrugged. “But we shall talk more of this in the morning.”
As she made her way to her bed-chambers, Clarissa smiled fully. Excitement danced in her chest, and she decided that if Ormond didn’t come see her tomorrow, she would seek him out. Something inside of her told her that he was the man she needed to marry.
Strange how this morning she was totally against the idea, but now...she couldn’t wait.
The next morning, Ryder found himself pacing in front of the palace doors as he waited for the king. Ryder had been alerted that the king would make another trip into town to finalize the plans for the additional wing at the hospital, and of course, needed his guards.
Walking back and forth, Ryder flexed his hands by his sides, his mind filling quickly with anticipation. Never before had he felt so restless—so eager. Yet at the same time, he was scared of the outcome. And to think, he wasn’t generally an easy man to scare.
Yesterday with Clarissa had been a dream come true. It thrilled him to know she felt the same desires that were running amuck through him. Yet after the royal dinner guests had left last night, Ryder waited for Clarissa to inform him of when he could talk to her father. Unfortunately, she never appeared. Although he’d wanted to sneak to her room and talk to her, he didn’t dare for fear he’d appear overzealous.
“Ryder, would you stop this insane pacing.” One of the other guards moved in front of him. “I don’t know what troubles you this morning, but you are driving the rest of us mad with this jittery nervous behavior.”
Ryder gazed at each guard in turn. Irritation was quite evident on their creased foreheads and narrowed eyes. “My apologies,” he muttered and strode to his horse.
Adam Flynn, a guard he’d recently made friends with, was nearly Ryder’s age and they shared similar interests. He walked to Ryder and stopped, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“My good man, what has you so upset this morning? This is not like you at all.”
Chuckling, Ryder shook his head. “I have a lot on my mind.”
“Well, get it out of your mind, because once the king comes out, we are to focus entirely on his safety.”
“This I know,” Ryder grumbled. “However, I need to speak with the king in order to get this particular issue off my chest.”
Adam nodded. “Then I’ll trade you positions. You ride next to the king, and I’ll ride in back.”
“I thank you for your help.” Ryder breathed easier.
A movement up at the palace door caught his attention, and he swung his gaze to the king hustling down the wide, marble stairs. All the guards bowed until the king mounted his horse with the assistance from the groomsman, and then the four guards followed suit.
“Good morning, Sire,” all of the men greeted pleasantly.
“I wish it were a good morning,” the king grumbled, “but it is not.”
Ryder traded glances with the other guards and shrugged. Apparently, Ryder wasn’t the only man out of sorts this morning.
He urged his horse closer to the king as his mind scrambled to find words. What could he possibly say? How could he start out their conversation? Perhaps he needed to remind the king how Ryder and Clarissa were good friends in school. That right there might be a good start. Whatever he did, he couldn’t upset the king more than he was already.
“Your Majesty?” Ryder began. “Do you wish to talk about what’s bothering you?”
The older man peeked at Ryder before looking back at the road. “Aren’t you Paul Grey’s son?”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Sadness etched the king’s expression. “My condolences for your father’s passing. He was a good man, and a trusted friend.”
A lump caught in Ryder’s throat and he dared not speak. He swallowed and cleared his throat. “Thank you for saying that. I do miss him. He died much too soon.”
“Indeed.” The king adjusted in his saddle. “I’m happy to know Paul’s son is continuing in his father’s footsteps.”
Ryder tried to give the king a genuine smile, but his heart just wasn’t in it. Until he could discover why the king’s guards were slowly dying, how could he get on with his life? “Thank you again, Your Majesty.”
He kept switching his attention from the road back to the king. Something was definitely upsetting the older man. In defeat, Ryder realized that now would be an inappropriate time to ask about Clarissa.
The king released an audible sigh and shook his head. “Oh, Ryder. I wish I could understand women.”
Ryder nearly snorted a laugh. The king’s admission took him by surprise. “Does anyone really understand them, Sire?”
Finally, a small smile tugged on the king’s mouth. “Probably not. But I tell you, daughters are the worst. They never know what they want from one day to the next. I don’t know why I wasn’t blessed with a son, but having a daughter has certainly made my life interesting...and difficult.”
Ryder chuckled. He’d heard his father say something similar about Ryder’s sister. “What has your daughter done this time?” he asked with a lift in his voice.
The king met his stare again and smiled a little more. “You know my daughter well, if I recall.”
“Yes, Sire. We attended school together.”
“And you were good friends.”
“I’d like to think we were.” Ryder nodded.
“Then perhaps you know her better than I do and can explain to me why she acts differently.”
Ryder arched an eyebrow. “Differently? How so?”
“As you are aware, we had dinner guests last evening. Queen Ruth and her son, Prince Ormond.
” He shook his head. “The prince is a little shy and awkward. He stumbled over his words all night. When Clarissa first saw him standing there, clutching a bouquet of flowers to his chest as if a shield, I could see she was disgusted with the man’s very presence. However, once his mother convinced him to stop hiding behind those flowers and present them to the princess, Clarissa’s attitude changed. Suddenly, she hung on his every word. She giggled more, and stared dreamily into his eyes.” He sighed heavily. “My wife and I couldn’t understand our daughter’s sudden change. When Queen Ruth and Prince Ormond left, Clarissa admitted to finding the man charming and handsome. She is actually considering getting to know him better, which I find hard to believe. She even mentioned...marriage.” The king lowered his voice and groaned. “I was disgusted with the prince’s lack of leadership qualities. I just don’t know what my daughter sees in him.”
All Ryder’s thoughts ground to a halt. He couldn’t possibly have heard right. Clarissa was attracted to Prince Ormond and considering marriage to the prince? Ryder had caught a glimpse of the man entering the palace last night, and he found him to be a very peculiar man...and clumsy to a fault. And yet, she found him charming and handsome?
How could she think that way about Prince Ormond when only a few hours earlier she had been cuddling in Ryder’s arms and kissing him so passionately? His heart clenched. She had wanted to see him again...and have him ask her father for permission to court her.
Tension throbbed in his forehead. This couldn’t be right. He must have misunderstood.
“Do you, um...really think she’s that serious about this man?” Ryder asked.
The king shrugged. “I don’t know. But as interested as she seemed with him last night, it’s definitely a possibility for her to become very serious.”
Ryder gritted his teeth. What had happened in those few hours that could have changed her feelings? He’d never known her to tease men in this way, so he didn’t think she was leading him on—or Prince Ormond. And yet, she had definitely been attracted to him when they were by the lake.