The Missing Billionaire (The Tycoons #2) Read online

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  “I can assure you,” she said slowly and demeaning, “there are no axe murderers out here, or any masked men running around with chainsaws.”

  “What about a masked man slowly walking toward us with a knife? Yeah, he killed a lot of people in that movie, you know.”

  “Zack, be serious.”

  “Fine.” He leaned closer. “Do you know there are bears and moose in these woods?”

  She sighed and straightened, facing him. “Yes, I’m aware of that, which is one of the reasons I’m looking for a flashlight.”

  “Can’t you just call your stepfather and have him come get us?”

  “I suppose.” She withdrew her cell and pushed a few buttons, but as she watched the screen, her frown deepened. “No service. That doesn’t surprise me.”

  In Zack’s thirty-two years, he’d never been so frightened – even twice when he was shot, he’d not been this scared. Closing his eyes, he tried to decrease the fast spreading panic inside of him. He didn’t like feeling this way. He was a tough guy. He could handle anything. Although convincing his mind of this wasn’t that easy.

  He swung back to the trunk. “There’s got to be a flashlight in here somewhere.” The adrenaline pumping through him made his hands shake, but he kept them active as he searched for the flashlight.

  “Zack,” she said in a calm voice, touching his arm, “it’s okay. We can use the light from our phones.”

  Inwardly, he groaned. Why hadn’t he thought of that?

  Taking a deep breath, he straightened, meeting her gaze. “Yeah, we could use that light.”

  She closed the trunk and then using the remote, locked the vehicle. “We’re not that far from the main house. We’ll get there in no time at all, and we’ll be just fine.”

  She took a step toward the road, but for some reason, Zack’s legs refused to move. She turned toward him, slipping her hand into his. Warmth spread through his body, starting where their palms were touching and their fingers entwined. Her pretty eyes and tender smile gave him the courage he needed.

  As they made their way up the slope, he slipped a few times on the slushy mud, but thankfully, he didn’t fall. She slipped too, but only laughed about it. By the time they made it to the road, they were both chuckling over their inability to stay on their feet in the mud.

  She acted like she wanted to pull her hand away from his, but he held tight, not wanting to let this comforting feeling leave. Not much was said as they headed down the road, and once again, Whitney acted as though she didn’t want to look at him – just like what had happened in the car.

  She was an odd woman. Of course, he had plenty of time to figure her out. At least he hoped there was plenty of time.

  “So Whitney,” he said, wanting to hear her soothing voice again. “Tell me about Joe. What’s he like?”

  “He’s a good, hard-working man. He knows what he’s talking about, so you’d better listen.”

  Grinning, Zack gave her a nod. “You’re acting like I never listen.”

  She arched an eyebrow at him, critically. He laughed.

  “As I was saying...” Her voice trailed off.

  She came to a sudden stop. Her eyes widened. He didn’t like this reaction. It only meant one thing.

  Slowly, he scanned the area around them, especially in the trees. The light on her cell lit up a lot of area. The bushes moved. Tree limbs crunched.

  Zack’s gut twisted. It was a bear. He’d bet good money on it. How could he protect Whitney at the same time, making sure they didn’t die?


  Whitney’s heartbeat slammed against her ribs and her body froze. She tried to snap her mind out of this panicked state. It was up to her to protect them. After all, she was the only one with a gun.

  Slowly, she reached behind her for her Glock that hooked in her shoulder holster. Just as she touched the gun, Zack stepped in front of her. What the... Was he trying to protect her? If her heart wasn’t flipping with tenderness right now, she would have snapped at him for getting in her way.

  The bushes rustled again. Zack’s arm reached behind him, touching her. What was he thinking? She shook her head. He was trying to protect her. This was a side of him she didn’t think she’d ever see.

  Suddenly, from within the trees, a light shone on her and Zack. She shielded the brightness from her eyes with one hand as she pulled out her gun with the other.

  “Whit? Is that you?” A man’s voice came from behind the light.

  She exhaled as relief flooded through her. “Joe?” She moved around Zack.

  The light shining from within the trees lowered, but the glow from the light shone on her stepfather’s face. He finished moving out of the bushes, stepping toward her.

  When they reached each other, she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He returned the show of affection.

  “Oh, you scared me to death.” She slapped his shoulder as she pulled away. “I thought you were a bear.”

  Joe shrugged. “I’ve been called worse.”

  She laughed, remembering the times when her mother had called him some really harsh names. She glanced over her shoulder at Zack and motioned him to come closer.

  “Joe, this is my friend Zack Tucker.”

  Joe reached out his hand in greeting, and Zack shook it. “Nice to meet you, Tucker. Welcome to my ranch.”

  “Uh... yeah. Thanks for letting us come.”

  “So where is your car?” Joe asked, stretching his neck as he looked behind them.

  “Stuck in the mud,” Whitney answered. “We’ll have to dig it out tomorrow.”

  “Good idea. We’ll worry about that tomorrow.” He pointed his head up the road. “Let’s get walking. I don’t want to keep you love-birds out here where it’s cold.”

  Inwardly, she groaned. Zack was going to turn this into something more, she just knew it. But before he could ask, she hurried to his side and slid an arm around his waist. Shock and amusement registered on Zack’s expression.

  “We’re coming, Joe.” She held Zack from moving until Joe was a little ways in front of them.

  “Love birds?” Zack asked with humor in his voice.

  “I couldn’t tell him the real reason we’re here,” she whispered.

  Zack bent his head closer to her as he circled his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. “I thought you told him we needed a place to hide.”

  “Yeah, well... I didn’t tell him exactly why we needed to hide.”

  “What exactly did you tell him?”

  “Uh, you see, I hinted that we both needed some time away from real life, and away from the crowds.”

  Zack’s body shook with a silent laugh. With his mouth so close to her ear, the warmth from his breaths were making her shiver, but it wasn’t a cold shiver. Instead, her body was getting hotter by the second.

  “Good excuse,” he said softly. “So are we lovers? Engaged? What?”

  “I just told my stepfather that we had been dating for a while—”

  “Ah, lovers it is.”

  She clenched her teeth. Zack would never let her live this down now.

  “Come on, you two,” Joe called. “There will be time enough for cuddling when we get to the house.”

  Zack snickered softly. “Joe?” His voice was louder. “Do you have a fireplace that Whitney and I could cuddle next to? That’s something we haven’t done yet.”

  Embarrassment filled her, and she jabbed her elbow into his side, but Zack didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he took it as an invitation to hold her closer.

  She grumbled under her breath. She’d really messed up this time. It would have been better to tell Joe the truth, but she didn’t want him to worry about her. She was a grown woman and could handle her own problems.

  At least she would try.

  Of course, presently, her biggest problem was the gorgeous man holding her like he never wanted to let go.

  It surprised her how close they’d been to the main house. A few outdoo
r lights were around the front wrap-around porch, and even the main barn. Even in the darkness, she noticed the new paint job on the two buildings.

  Just as they entered the front door, off to the left was a mini coat closet. This was where everyone removed their muddy boots. Once they had removed them, they followed Joe into the house. The large fireplace in the middle of the house had a roaring fire. A different kind of warmth spread through her this time, and a peace of being home settled in her heart.

  Her mother had only been married to Joe for six years, and yet, there was only one home for Whitney. Home is where the heart is. Immediately, she moved her gaze to the sign hanging above the fireplace. This home was certainly where her heart had been.

  “Are you hungry?” Joe asked as he stirred the burning logs with a poker. “I had the cook make up a big pot of chili earlier.”

  Joe still looked good, even at his age. His dark brown hair had more streaks of gray than the last time she’d seen him, but he was just as lean and tall as she remembered.

  “We ate in town,” Whitney explained.

  “Now why did you do that?” Joe’s shoulders wilted. “Don’t you remember how much I love to feed you?”

  She laughed. “Yes, I do remember, but both Zack and I had been driving all day and we needed a break.”

  “I’ll forgive you this time.”

  Joe’s housekeeper, a jolly – and round – woman with curly black hair, hustled into the front room. Her cheeks were rosy, and her smile stretched across her chubby cheeks.

  “Oh, Miss Whitney, look at you.” Gladys opened her arms wide.

  Whitney laughed and gave the older woman a hug. “It’s sure good to see you again.”

  “It’s always good to see you, Miss Whitney.” The woman’s gaze jumped to Zack, and her eyes widened. “Oh, my... Who do we have here?”

  “Gladys, this is Zack—”

  “I’m Whitney’s main squeeze,” Zack said, stepping behind her as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to his body.

  Even as uncomfortable as the situation was, being held by this gorgeous man wasn’t unpleasant in the least.

  Whitney chuckled, trying to act as if she was in love with him. This part of the playacting was difficult. She’d only been in love once, and she never wanted to go through that pain again. “Yes, he’s the man in my life.”

  “I’m the man in your life?” He tilted his head and looked into her eyes. “I thought I was your whole life.”

  She smiled and stroked the beard that was coming in quite nicely. “You are definitely one in a million.”

  He waggled his eyebrows. “The price has gone down? Just the other day you told me I was one in a billion.”

  She laughed and nodded. “That’s right. You are!”

  He hugged her tightly and buried his face in her neck. His lips moved across her skin, stirring awakenings inside of her that weren’t entirely unwanted – even though they should have been. Goosebumps rose all over her, and yet the warmth blending into her body created comfort instead of coldness.

  “Oh,” Gladys giggled, “you two are so cute together.”

  Whitney groaned, not knowing if it came from the desire Zack stirred inside of her or if it was because she already regretted lying to her family. She’d known Gladys since she was a young girl, so really, Gladys was family.

  “I have your rooms prepared.” Gladys motioned toward the stairs. “So let me know when you’re ready to retire for the night.”

  Rooms? As in plural? Whitney hoped she’d heard correctly. She didn’t want to explain to Joe or Gladys why Whitney and Zack did not share the same bed.

  “Thanks, Gladys,” Whitney said.

  “Hmm...” Zack kissed her neck before lifting his head to look into Whitney’s eyes. “I don’t know, love, are we ready to retire for the night?”

  “No.” She tried not to glare. “I thought we could stay up and talk with Joe. But if you’re tired—”

  “Not in the least.” Zack’s cocky grin stretched wider.

  “Let’s sit by the fire,” Joe said, moving toward the hearth. “Gladys, can you make us some hot chocolate? I’m sure Whit and Zack are still cold. Their car was stuck in the mud.”

  Gladys giggled again. “Um, Mr. Joe, it doesn’t look like they are cold now.”

  Oh, good grief! “Actually, Gladys,” Whitney said quickly, “I’d love some hot chocolate. So would Zack.”

  He held her hand as they moved toward the fireplace. Joe sat in one chair and Zack pulled her down on the loveseat before wrapping his arms around her again. Whitney wished he wouldn’t be so clingy. And yet, she knew he did it to annoy her.

  “So tell me,” Joe began, “what have you been doing with yourself, Whit? Are you still with the FBI?”

  She nodded. “Of course. I’m just taking a short vacation.”

  “If it was up to me,” Zack brushed his fingers across her cheek, “I’d make sure she took a permanent vacation from them.”

  Joe narrowed his gaze on Zack. “You don’t approve of where she works?”

  “It’s not that,” Zack said as he met Whitney’s stare. “Her job is dangerous. I worry for her safety.” He cupped the side of her face. “I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to my angel.”

  Whitney stamped out the fluttering inside her chest. He was playacting, just as she was. So then why couldn’t she tear her gaze away from his hypnotic eyes? “Aren’t you sweet? But I’ve been trained to protect myself. I do know how to use a gun, you know.”

  “Yes, I’m sure you do, although I can’t help but worry.”

  “Being worried about someone you love,” Joe said, “is quite normal. But Zack, Whit is a good agent.”

  “Yes,” Zack sighed and smiled. “She’s definitely one of the best.”

  Once again, she knew he was saying this to rile her. He’d told her a few times already that he didn’t think she was that good.

  “And what kind of work are you in, Zack?” Joe asked.

  Whitney held her breath. Oh, dear! She hadn’t told her stepfather about what Zack really does for a living.

  As Zack looked at her stepfather, his expression was calm and he didn’t appear half as worried as she felt.

  “I’m into stocks and bonds.”

  “Oh, you work at Wall Street?”

  “Yep, I work with Wall Street.” Zack nodded.

  Joe leaned back in his cushioned chair and crossed one leg over the other. “That’s a tricky business to be in. You never know from month to month how profits will turn out.”

  Zack grinned. “You can say that again.”

  “I’m sure you’ve taken a loss lately, just as most of us have.”

  “For sure.” Zack agreed.

  Whitney held back a laugh. He was answering the questions without really giving anything away. Thank goodness for that. Sometimes she wondered if Zack could read her mind... Gads, she hoped not. Especially, the thoughts she’d had today. If she couldn’t understand them, how would Zack? She just hoped the senator’s trial would hurry up and begin so that she didn’t have to spend any more time with this charming billionaire. Or she’d be in big trouble!


  Zack took to riding a horse like he took to money – exceptionally well.

  After he and Joe and some other men pulled the car out of the mud, Joe took him and showed him the ranch. The love of his life stayed back with Gladys. Before Zack left the house this morning, Whitney whispered in his ear, reminding him of their playacting.

  He chuckled. In other words, she hadn’t wanted him to let her stepfather know he was a billionaire... or running for his life. Zack would do this for her. He rather liked it here. The fall weather was upon them, and along with the crisper weather, the trees were changing colors, making the ranch a glorious canvas of reds, yellows, and burnt oranges.

  As Zack rode the horse, helping Joe round up some cattle, a contented smile tugged on his mouth. He really needed to buy himself a ranch. This
was the life – being one with nature... as long as he didn’t come across any bears or moose.

  The sun was bright today. So where were the clouds that had covered the moon last night? He adjusted his sunglasses. Out of the corner of his eye, Joe shook his head, chuckling.

  “Zack, it’s quite obvious you’re a city boy, but out here on the ranch, it’s probably best to wear a hat.” Joe tilted his black felt cowboy hat.

  “Thanks, but I don’t like hats.”

  Joe shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  Zack’s horse walked slowly in rhythm with Joe’s animal. The stench from the cattle didn’t bother Zack as much as it had first thing this morning. He could definitely become used to this life.

  “How did you meet my Whitney?” Joe asked.

  “We actually met at the airport.” Zack grinned, remembering that moment. “She thought I was someone else. But we hit it off right away.”

  Joe chuckled. “She’s a woman who knows what she’s after. Nothing stops her.”

  “How well do you know her?” Zack wondered. All joking aside, he really wanted to know what made her tick. “I mean, I know you were married to her mother, but how well do you know her as an adult?”

  The other man frowned. “Not as well as I’d like to. It took Whitney until she was twenty before she contacted me again after the divorce. We’ve kept in touch, but not closely. I’ve always thought of her as the daughter I’ve never had.”

  “Did you talk to her before she became an FBI agent?”

  “Yes, of course. Why?”

  Sighing, Zack smiled, but it wasn’t fully. “I wonder if she really likes her job.”

  Joe tugged his horse to a stop, and so Zack followed.

  “What makes you think she doesn’t like it?” Joe asked.

  “It’s not that I know a lot of agents, but she just doesn’t seem the type. When I first met her she looked like a woman who is trying to fit in a man’s world.” He swept his hand over his clothes. “She wasn’t feminine at all. No makeup, her hair in a ponytail, and plain business suits, ugly shoes. I’m sure you get the picture.”

  Joe arched an eyebrow. “But she looks feminine now.”


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