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Hannah's Hardship Page 6

  The minutes seemed to drag, but soon Maverick stood and reached his hand toward her. She hurried to the window and clasped hands with him. She sat on the window’s ledge, and he gently pulled her back and into his arms.

  She breathed easier now. However, they were outside, and so they needed to run as fast as they could to get away.

  “Can you do this?” he asked in a whisper.

  “Yes. Can you?”

  He grinned and winked. “Just try and keep up with me, my sweet Hannah.”

  Hand-in-hand, they ran toward the forest. Slowly, the pound in her head increased, but she couldn’t let that stop her. They had made it this far, and they needed to keep going. If Maverick could run with bruised ribs, then she could run with a headache.

  Just as they reached the forest, a horse’s neigh echoed in the quiet morning. Immediately, Maverick stopped, released her hand, and positioned the rifle in his arms. He pointed the gun in the direction of the sound. Not far from them was a horse – without a rider.

  She scoped out the land around them, looking for whoever might have been on the horse, but she couldn’t see anyone. Her heart lifted, and she glanced at Maverick. His eyes were wide with excitement, too.

  “Stay right here. I’m going to fetch our ride.”

  As he darted toward the horse, she brought her clasped hands to her chest. Was this a sign from God that they were going to get out of this mess? She believed it was!

  She said a prayer in her heart, thanking God for this blessing.

  It didn’t take long before Maverick hopped on the horse and came after her. He stopped near her, and she held up her arms. In one swift movement, he pulled her up until she sat on his lap. Smiling, she wrapped her arms around his waist as he took hold of the reins.

  He guided them into the forest with ease. A small wind blew against them, taking away the heat as the sun continued to climb in the sky.

  “Maverick? Where should we go? We can’t return to your place. That will be the first place they look when they realize we are gone.”

  “I know. I’ve been wondering the same thing.”

  She pulled away from him and sat up straighter to look into his eyes. “Do you have any friends outside of Stumptown?”

  He glanced at her, and irritation filled his expression. “Yes. My grandfather, but I don’t think I want to see him right now. I’m still very upset at him for what he’s doing to his grandsons.”

  Suddenly, an idea hit her. This might work. If only Maverick would go along with it.

  She shrugged. “I can pretend if you can.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Pretend what exactly?”

  “Pretend that we’re engaged. Did you tell me that he wants his grandsons married within six months? Well... since you are keeping Bryan from marrying me, what if we make your grandfather think that you have found your future bride, too?”

  Holding her breath, she waited for his reaction. Please, say yes.


  Maverick wanted to kiss this amazing woman again, and again, and again... He couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of that idea.

  “That’s brilliant, Hannah.” He grinned. “We will stay with him long enough to hide out while we contact the authorities to have those men arrested, and during our wait, we’ll convince my grandfather that we’re in love.”

  His heart flipped with excitement as warmth spread through him. Love. He still didn’t think that was the emotion filling him at the moment, but the more he was with Hannah, the more he enjoyed her company. In fact, he was having a difficult time trying to think of a way to help her out of her predicament. Perhaps he was her answer, after all.

  He’d think of that later. Right now, he had a performance to put on in front of his grandfather, and Maverick couldn’t wait for Hannah’s help. This would give him more chances to hold her and stare deeply into her captivating green eyes.

  The excitement became almost more than he could stand, so he urged the horse faster, heading in the direction of where his grandfather lived. Maverick knew this town well, and within a few more hours, they would reach his grandfather’s house.

  “I think,” she said, holding tightly to him again, “that we should stick with the original story. The one about us meeting through your cousin, Beth.”

  Glancing down at her, he nodded. “Agreed. Beth would be the perfect person. She’s a flighty woman, but she makes so many friends. Grandfather wouldn’t have any reason to doubt our story.”

  “Tell me about your grandfather. What was he like growing up?”

  He shifted in the saddle and wrapped an arm protectively around her, holding her against him. Who would have thought this position would be so intimate?

  “Gramps never did like the way my parents raised us boys. They gave us more freedom to make our own choices. Gramps wasn’t like that, which was why he arranged the marriage between my mother and the son of a wealthy family. My father and grandfather butt heads quite a bit. When my brothers and I started working for Gramps, that’s when he started pulling the control reins. I suppose we went along with it because we enjoyed the wealthy lifestyle that made us feel powerful.”

  “And what about now that he has issued the ultimatum?” she wondered. “Are you going along with him just to keep that powerful and wealthy lifestyle?”

  He hesitated in answering her. What she said made sense. He’d been belly-aching about the demands his grandfather was issuing, and yet, he enjoyed being the boss over the loggers. He loved his job and the prestige that came with it.

  He chuckled. “You’re right. I guess I’m going along with my grandfather because I don’t want to lose my life.” He glanced at her pretty face. She’d been watching him intently. “However, I don’t like being controlled, either.”

  She nodded. “I understand completely.”

  “Now, it’s your turn.” He grinned.

  “For what?”

  “I want you to tell me about your childhood. I want to know everything about you – good and bad. It doesn’t matter what you tell me because it won’t change the way I feel.”

  Her face paled slightly, and her eyes widened. She was hiding something from him. Could she trust him enough to tell him? And... would he still feel the same way about her afterward?

  * * * *

  Tell him. Now!

  Hannah’s mind screamed at her to confess, and yet, she still held back. However, if she told him now, he couldn’t very well push her off the horse and leave her to fend for herself. He wasn’t that kind of man. However, it would kill her to see the distrust in his eyes. Her heart wouldn’t be able to handle that.

  When she began talking about her childhood, she added in the errors she’d made along life’s journey, hoping that when she finally reached the time when she confessed her pregnancy, he would understand. Maverick glanced at her many times, but he still kept his main focus on the road ahead. Occasionally, he’d ask her a question about something that didn’t quite make sense, but as she explained, he smiled and nodded.

  She loved how attentive he was. When he led the horse up a hill, he pulled her closer, and even when they headed down a slope, he made sure she was snuggly against him. It felt wonderful to have a man actually care about her welfare. The other men in her life had told her they’d give her the moon on a silver platter, and yet, it was only words. They never showed her that she meant something to them. Not like Maverick was doing. How could she have fallen for the others so quickly? Then again, she had been naïve. Not now. Not ever again.

  “And then I met a man who was so handsome and sweet, and he knew just what to say to make my heart pitter-patter. I thought for sure he was the one who would marry me, and I felt as if I could give him my heart.” She licked her dry lips as her breathing quickened. Her mind screamed at her not to confess the truth about Dillon Walker, but in her heart, she knew it was the right thing to do. “We had been seeing each other for about two months, when I found out—”

  From somewhere in the f
orest came the crack of a pistol firing. Maverick gasped and swung his gaze behind him, but the forest was so dense, it was impossible to see anyone.

  “I think they are following us,” he said in a low voice. “Hold on tightly because I’m going to urge the horse faster.”

  Gritting her teeth, she wrapped her arms around his middle and pressed her head against her chest. Once the animal picked up speed, she closed her eyes. She didn’t want to see where Maverick was going, especially if there was a chance they’d get thrown from the horse.

  Hannah couldn’t believe her rotten luck. Again. To think she was just about ready to tell him everything about Dillon Walker and the man’s baby growing inside her. Why couldn’t their interruption have happened ten minutes later?

  When Maverick made sharp turns – which happened a lot – she held her breath, clutching him tighter. He grumbled a few times, worrying her. Had their kidnappers found their trail and were coming after them? As impossible as it seemed, it probably could have happened. But the other men must have been very fast in their drunken state.

  How long Maverick pushed the horse to the animal’s limits, she didn’t know, but her body ached from trying to stay on Maverick’s lap for so long. The throbbing had returned to her skull, but she bit back the pain. Her stomach started growling, and she didn’t know how much more of this she could take without eating something.

  Finally, she felt the speed of the horse began to slow, and she dared to lift her head and peek up at Maverick’s face. Determination was his expression through his furrowed brow and tight mouth.

  “Did... you lose them?” she asked.

  “I think so,” he said stiffly. “But we are almost to my grandfather’s house.”

  She sat up straighter, and her achy body cried out. She must remain strong so that Maverick didn’t suspect her discomfort.

  “Up over that little knoll,” Maverick said, motioning his head to the piece of land just right of them. “That’s where Gramps lives. He owns a large piece of land, so once we enter his property, it’ll still take ten minutes or so before we reach his house.”

  “Do you think the men following us will see where we’re going?”

  He shrugged one shoulder. “If they try and follow, it’ll be their downfall. Many men work on my grandfather’s property, and they’ll shoot anyone who trespasses.”

  Her hopes lifted a little more. Perhaps they would be safe, after all. But she’d already learned so far in life’s journey, not to count her chickens before the eggs hatched.

  Maverick leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded slightly, only because the movement made the pain in her head throb harder. “My headache is back, but I’ll be fine.”

  He caressed the side of her face. “Are you dizzy?”


  “When we get to my grandfather’s house, his housekeeper will take care of you.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll be fine, but I need to talk to the old man and have him send men out to fetch the sheriff. I’m not going to rest until all of your kidnappers are in jail.”

  She glanced down at her dress, now dusty and ripped in a few places. “Oh, heavens. What is your grandfather going to think of your fiancée?”

  Maverick chuckled and stroked her hair. “He’s going to think you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever been with.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I highly doubt he’ll think that.”

  “Well, after I tell him what we’ve been through, he’ll understand.”

  She nodded and sighed, leaning back against him. “I hate to ask you to hurry, but I fear the hunger is going to eat a hole in my stomach if I don’t get some food soon.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Not to worry. I’m hungry, too, so hold on. I’m going to push the horse faster again.”

  This time, she didn’t mind going faster. At least she’d be eating soon. And her poor baby would finally get some nourishment. Hannah still feared that when she told Maverick about the baby, he’d not understand. But she would just have to cross that bridge when she reached it.


  Maverick flexed his hands and breathed as deeply as he dared while he paced the floor in his grandfather’s study. When Maverick and Hannah had arrived at the grand mansion, they were told that the old man was out riding with a few of the ranch hands. Maverick didn’t mind the wait, but he had the housekeeper take Hannah upstairs to feed her and let her bathe.

  The hard ride to his grandfather’s house had been tedious, and he was certain that Hannah’s muscles would pay dearly for it by tomorrow. But heaven help him, he loved that she clung to him as though he was her hero. He loved the way she looked up into his eyes. And he nearly melted every time she smiled.

  If this wasn’t love, he’d be surprised. He had plenty of time to think of his feelings for Hannah, and although he still tried to fight them, he was falling for her fast. He found it strange that only a few days ago, he’d been against ever falling in love and getting married, and now, after meeting Hannah, all he could think about was how cute their children would look. Their boys would have his rugged good looks, of course, and their girls would have her beautiful long, black hair, and her mesmerizing green eyes.


  He turned toward his grandfather, who had just entered the room and stopped. The old man’s eyes were badly wrinkled, as well as his sunbaked skin, but his eyes were still vibrant and wide as he stared at his grandson.

  “I’m sorry to drop in on you without warning you, but something has come up, and it’s important that I talk to you.”

  His grandfather held up a hand to stop Maverick. Gramps usually did this, so Maverick knew to keep quiet for a few moments as the old man walked to his large oak desk and sat on the chair behind it. Sighing, the man leaned back and folded his arms across his chest.

  “The answer is no.”

  Maverick rolled his eyes. “You don’t even know why I’m here.”

  “I suspect you are either here for money or to try and talk me out of the marriage stipulation in my will.”

  Shaking his head slowly, he moved toward the desk, keeping his eyes on his grandfather. “I mean no disrespect, but I must admit how thrilled I am to be proving you wrong this time.”

  The older man cocked his head. “Pardon me?”

  “I’m not here for money, or to try and convince you that you should change your will. In fact, I brought my fiancée with me. She’s upstairs getting cleaned up.”

  His grandfather’s eyes widened even more. “Your fiancée?”

  “Yes. Her name is Hannah Ross, and she’s from Colorado. Cousin Beth set us up.”

  The older man’s shoulders relaxed. “Go on. Tell me why you are both here.”

  Telling his grandfather about what was going on was the tricky part. Maverick couldn’t say anything about mail-order brides, or that she was supposed to marry Bryan. “Yesterday afternoon, while Hannah and I were riding out to have a picnic in the field of wildflowers, she was taken from me. She was knocked unconscious, just as I was.”

  “What?” Gramps straightened in his chair. “They kidnapped her?”

  Maverick nodded. “Long story short, a handful of men – eight, that I know about – are trying to get money from the Easton brothers. From what I’d overheard, they think they should get paid more.”

  “And that made them want to kidnap your fiancée?”

  “Yes, because they know how much I love her.” He paused briefly, waiting for the moment guilt would catch in his throat for the lie, but remarkably enough, he felt as though it wasn’t a lie at all. “They knew I’d pay anything to keep her safe.”

  “And this,” Gramps motioned toward Maverick’s face, “is what happened when you rescued her?”

  “Yes.” He gently patted his ribs.” And a few more bruises.” He shrugged. “But I was able to get her away from them. Unfortunately, they are after us, and I need your help.”r />
  “How can I help?” Gramps arched a gray, bushy eyebrow.

  “Send some of your men to fetch the sheriff. We need to bring these men to justice, or I won’t be able to marry Hannah and feel safe in my own home.” Maverick thought that was a good touch to add that would help his grandfather make his decision.

  “You are correct.” He stood from his chair and walked around the desk to Maverick, laying a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll send a couple of men out now.”

  “You don’t mind if Hannah and I stay here until some arrests have been made, do you?”

  “Of course, not. I’m looking forward to seeing your bride.”

  Maverick smiled. “She’s breathtaking. You’ll love her, just as I do.”

  His grandfather’s expression relaxed, and the man actually gave Maverick a full smile – which rarely happened.

  “Now, you need to go get cleaned up and rest. I’ll have my cook prepare a grand dinner tonight to celebrate your engagement.” He paused as if just remembering something. “Oh, and your cousin dropped in last night, so I’m sure you’ll see him roaming around here.”

  Maverick narrowed his gaze. “Which cousin? I have a few.”


  Maverick nodded. Stormy was a nickname they gave to the one cousin who was always into trouble. Once Gramps had mentioned that his cousin brewed up trouble like a growing storm, the name seemed to stick. Now, most everyone in the family called him Stormy.

  “Well, hopefully, he’ll stay out of mine and Hannah’s way. We have our own issues to overcome. We don’t need Stormy to whine about his sad life.”

  “That’s for certain.” Gramps motioned with his hands. “Now, go get cleaned up.”

  “Thank you, Gramps. Hannah will be pleased that you are so thoughtful.” Maverick was quite surprised that he was pleased with his grandfather, too.

  * * * *

  A refreshing bath and a very long nap later, Maverick felt like a new man. It was even easier to breathe through his bruised ribs. He tried to shave, but the cuts on his face made it impossible, so tonight, he’d arrive at the supper table with a stubble shadow across the lower half of his face.