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Whispers of Yesterday Page 8

  Her shoulders ached, and her hands were blistered, but Foster kept pushing her to dig. With each hole, her heart sank deeper. Where was Grange and why hadn’t he come to rescue her?

  She pushed the shovel into the ground, but her weak wrist twisted. Crying out, she dropped the shovel and grabbed her wrist. She threw Foster a glare. “Are you trying to kill me slowly?” she shouted. “Because I’ve had enough of this. If you want the blasted gold, you dig for it.”

  He picked up the shovel and pushed it into her chest. “You are going to dig or—”

  “Or what? You’ll kill me?” She shook her head. “I’m tired of that threat. I don’t think you’re going to kill me because I might know where the treasure is buried.”

  He scowled. “Do you know where it is?”

  “No. I. Don’t!” She growled. “How many times do I have to tell you? If my pa tried to find it for years and couldn’t, what makes you think I can?” She huffed and stomped her foot. “Mr. Powell, you are nothing but a... a... donkey’s hind end! You’re lazy and stubborn, just like the animal.”

  His face grew red and his expression twisted as he stepped closer to her and slapped her across the face. Pain exploded in her cheek, but her temper exploded even hotter. She clutched the shovel he’d just pushed at her and swung. Hard. The shovel whacked him on the head. The surprise must have stunned him because he stumbled back a few steps. He touched the spot on his head where the shovel had connected, and blood coated his fingers.

  He released a deep growl and withdrew his gun, pointing it at her. Staring at the gun, she froze. Once again, she’d allowed her temper to show itself without thinking of the consequences.

  “Maybe I don’t need you that much,” he said as he steadied his aim on her.

  Suddenly, a gunshot blast ripped through the air. The gun in his hand dropped. Foster cried out in pain and cradled his bloodied hand as he fell to his knees.

  Sabine then saw her hero – her warrior who’d come to rescue her – charging toward her on his horse. Tears filled her eyes and she ran toward him. He stopped his horse and jumped off. His loving, strong arms wrapped around her as she cuddled against his magnificent chest. Comfort filled her.

  “I was hoping you would come,” she whispered brokenly as her body trembled.

  “You shouldn’t have doubted it for one moment.” He kissed her forehead.

  Another thundering pounded the ground. Both Grange and Sabine looked to see who was coming. Sheriff Knight and Deputy Will rode toward them.

  She glanced up at Grange in confusion. “You brought back-up?”

  Shaking his head, he chuckled. “No, but I’m glad they followed.”

  When they neared, Grange pointed toward Foster. “Arrest that man for kidnapping Sabine.” He gently cupped her face as his gaze moved to her swollen cheek. “Take him away before I kill him for striking my wife.”

  She gasped as panic filled her. He’d called her his wife. “Grange,” she whispered, silently communicating with her eyes.

  “Don’t worry. By the time we return to Belle, we’ll be the talk of the town. Lucy Mae already knows.”

  “Mrs. Clay...” Sheriff Knight cleared his throat. “Uh, what do I call you? Mrs. Baxter?”

  Grange chuckled. “You can call her Mrs. Keller.” He reached a right hand out in greeting. “I’m Grange Keller, a bounty hunter.”

  Both the sheriff and his deputy gasped at the same time.

  “You’re the Grange Keller?” Deputy Will said in awe.

  Sabine grinned, surprised that they had heard of her husband before. “Yes,” she said. “He’s that Grange Keller.”

  Sheriff Knight motioned the deputy toward Foster. “Help him take care of his bloody hand and the gash in his head before tying him up.”

  “Yes, sir!”

  Once Will had moved away from them, the sheriff stepped closer, folding his arms across his chest. “This probably isn’t the time, but I’m dying to know the story between you two.”

  Inwardly, she groaned. What were they going to tell him? And worse, would the people of Belle judge Grange for leaving her not long after they were married? They needed to see his sweet side... his heroic side. They shouldn’t think of him as a man who’d leave his bride.

  “Well, you see,” she said before Grange could say anything, “both my husband and I have been undercover for a few weeks. We were looking for Mr. Powell, the treasure hunter.”

  The sheriff’s eyes widened, but Grange’s gaze stretched wider.

  “You see, Mr. Powell has broken into homes and is wanted by the Springville, Utah sheriff who hired my husband to track the man down.”

  “You... you...” The sheriff’s gaze jumped back and forth between her and Grange. “You two work together?”

  Grange gathered her in his arms a little closer. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “So then how...” Sheriff Knight scratched his chin. “How did you get stabbed by your wife’s knife?”

  She chuckled as her mind figured out another story. “Oh, that’s a funny one. You see, I didn’t know when my husband would come into town. When he did, he surprised me by taking me out of Henry’s and Olivia’s store. I thought he was Mr. Powell, and so... I stabbed him.”

  “It was my fault, entirely.” Grange kissed her cheek. “I really should have let her know I was in town.”

  The sheriff chuckled and shook his head. “What adventurous lives you two live. I almost envy you.” He glanced over at Will. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to assist my deputy.”

  Sighing, she rested her head against her husband’s chest. “I’m glad it’s over and that everything is out in the open.”

  “Thank you.” He tilted her chin up to look into his face. His beautiful eyes melted her heart. “You made me into a hero, but it’s you who should be the hero.”

  She smiled. “Did you not hear the sheriff? Apparently, we are both heroes.”

  He nodded. “I like that idea.”

  “Me, too.”

  He kissed her gently on the lips. She grimaced a little because her mouth still stung from Foster’s slap.

  He pulled away and caressed her cheek again. “Will you warn me if you ever get mad at me while you’re holding a shovel? I don’t want to end up like Foster.”

  She laughed out loud. “Oh, my sweet husband. You will never be like him.”

  “I only want to make you happy for the rest of our lives.”

  She nodded. “That sounds like a wonderful plan. What do you say we live here in Belle?”

  One side of his mouth stretched higher than the other. “You read my mind, my darling Sabine. I don’t have a lot of money, but I’m sure I’ll have enough to build us a house.”

  “That’s all I need.”

  “I love you.” He brushed his lips across hers.

  “I love you, too.” She kissed him back, not caring that the sheriff and deputy could see.

  She planned on living her life however she wanted to, and she wasn’t going to worry anymore about what others thought. As long as she was happily married, that’s all she needed.

  SABINE LEANED AGAINST Grange’s strong body with his arms wrapped protectively around her as they sat on Aunt Milly’s porch swing. After Sabine’s very eventful and adventurous day yesterday, all she wanted to do was relax. Being in her husband’s arms was an added bonus. They’d spend every moment together since their return yesterday.

  Most of the town dropped by to visit them today because they’d heard rumors about Sabine and Grange. She wanted to laugh. At least the rumors were true this time. Lucy Mae must be getting better at gossiping.

  The day had passed quickly. On the horizon, the sun sank into the sky, bringing stars to light the darkening sky. Smiling, she cuddled closer to her husband. She’d never been happier than she was right now.

  The front door opened, and her aunt and uncle walked outside, holding hands. Sabine smiled. They reminded her of her parents when they did this.

“My dear,” Aunt Milly said as they walked closer, “now that everyone is gone and it’s just us, your uncle and I have something to tell you.”

  “What is it?” Sabine sat up, but Grange continued to hold her close to his side.

  “Before your parents died, they gave me something with instructions to give it to you on your twenty-fifth birthday.” Milly shrugged. “Since I wasn’t with you when you turned twenty-five, I thought now would be a good time to give it to you.” Milly reached into her apron pocket and pulled out a one-hundred-dollar bill and handed it to Sabine.

  She gasped and took it, pulling away from Grange. “My parents wanted you to give me this money?”

  Milly grinned. “Actually, this is just a small portion of what we have saved for you.” Milly squatted in front of Sabine and tapped her knee, lovingly. “Your father found some buried gold before he became really sick. He wanted his children to have it, but not until they reached the age of twenty-five. Because your brother died before he was that old, you will get his share.”

  “G-gold?” Sabine stuttered. “Do you mean the paintings... the treasure was real?”

  Milly nodded. “My father found the gold and buried it before I was even born. My mother painted the scene but split the canvas in half. He gave one painting to your mother and one to me.”

  “But... isn’t some of the money yours, too?” Grange asked.

  “Not really. The treasure was for us to find, and Gerald and I didn’t even attempt to find it because we didn’t know that both paintings needed to be placed together in order to find the treasure.”

  Sabine shook her head. “Then how did my parents find it?”

  Milly chuckled. “Your mother always had a great memory. She recalled seeing my painting, and your parents figured out the rest.”

  Sabine focused on the hundred-dollar bill, still stunned that this was hers. She didn’t have the faintest idea how she’d be able to use it. “Why didn’t my parents tell me?”

  “I wish I knew,” Milly answered sadly. “But it’s all yours now.”

  “Darling,” Grange said, stroking Sabine’s arm. “I think you should give some of that to your aunt and uncle.”

  Sabine nodded, loving how her husband could read her mind. But before she could say anything, her uncle stepped forward shaking his head.

  “No. The money is yours.” He folded his arms. “I just hope you’ll allow me to make one small request.”

  “What’s that?” Sabine asked as her heart swelled with emotion.

  “I want you to take that money and buy some land and...” His gaze moved to Grange. “Start your stud farm.”

  Grange laughed and met Sabine’s gaze. She nodded. “I think that’s a great idea, Uncle Gerald.”

  Milly stood and patted Grange’s cheek. “You continue to make my niece happy, all right?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He winked.

  Milly turned and walked back into the house with Gerald. Once the door was closed, Sabine chuckled and cuddled back against her husband.

  “I still can’t believe this,” she whispered, tilting her head back to look at Grange. “I’m just grateful that I hadn’t known about this before. I would have probably been tempted to give it to Foster just to make him leave me alone.”

  Grange stroked her chin. “That man doesn’t deserve a penny of the treasure. It belongs in your family, and that’s where it’s going to stay.”

  She sighed and smiled. “What are we going to do with all this money? We’ll definitely start a stud farm, but what about the rest of the money?” She folded the hundred-dollar bill in her hand.

  “I don’t know.”

  They moved back and forth on the swing as silence drifted between them. Finally, Grange bent and kissed her forehead.

  “You know... I think your uncle’s print shop might need some new machines.”

  Excitement built inside her and she straightened and looked at Grange. “And I’m sure my aunt’s kitchen could use a new cooking stove.”

  He nodded. “And I think the church in town wouldn’t mind some refurbishing.”

  Laughing, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him on the mouth. Although she couldn’t wait to get passionate with this man, now was not the time.

  “Oh, Grange. You are amazing.”

  “It’s because I have such an amazing wife.”

  She pulled away from him and stood, holding her hands out for him to take. “I think it’s time we retired for the night.”

  “You do?” He arched an eyebrow, taking her hands and standing.

  “Yes, because for three days now I’ve been waiting to show you just what kind of amazing wife you really have.”

  Slowly, he shook his head. “I’ve been thinking the same thing, but... Do you want to show me that here with your aunt and uncle so nearby?”

  Embarrassment warmed her face. “Actually, that’s probably not a good thing.”

  He laughed and gathered her back in his arms. “Since this is officially our honeymoon, why don’t I take you to the hotel in town? I have a room there.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea, Mr. Keller.”

  He lifted her in his arms and carried her to his horse. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek. Starting tonight, their lives together would be filled with love... and especially with adventure.

  She’d make sure of that.


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  The next book in The Belles of Wyoming series is from my long-time friend, Amelia Adams. Look for Butterfly Kisses. You’ll love her story!!

  Mariposa Granger’s parents died when she was just a baby, leaving her in the care of Ellen, her kindly and eccentric aunt. She has always known a loving, nurturing home, but that home hasn’t always been located in the same place. Every year or so, Ellen insists that they pack up and move, leaving behind any friends they might have made during their short stay. When they reach the town of Belle, Wyoming, Mariposa hopes that perhaps now this unexplained wanderlust has run its course and they’ll actually stay for a while. But then Brant Fielding, a young man she met two towns ago, catches up with her and throws her entire world into a loop.

  Will these new discovering about her past change her ability to find joy in the future?

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  Other published stories by Marie Higgins

  Author’s Bio

  Marie Higgins is an award-winning, best-selling author of clean romance novels that melt your heart and have you falling in love over and over again. Since 2010, she’s published over 65 heartwarming, on-the-edge-of-your-seat romances. She’s broadened her readership by writing mystery/suspense, humor, time-travel, paranormal, along with her love for historical romances. Her readers have dubbed her “Queen of Tease” because of all her twists and unexpected endings.

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